More videos from the mind-controlling, behavior-modifying "Hairy Chestnuts" of England. The short videos are great satires, and capture perfectly the essence of the antismoking movement – its way of thinking, its ideological roots, and its sordid nature – all in the great tradition of British humour.
This time "Hairy" tackles with new issues: air filtration, FORCES International, a reply to the latest ASH "scientific" hate propaganda – and a night story for the children, especially those of the blonde variety.
Hairy Chestnuts (Phil, who presents himself in one of the videos below) has been an instant success amongst the entire movement in favour of freedom to choose on both sides of the Atlantic – and beyond, at least judging from our statistical engine. Also, Phil uploads his great videos to You Tube at this address.
Hairy and his veritable nazi character Minister of Propaganda against smoking have already inspired others to impersonate counterparts that are as nasty (and funny) as his character is, creating a serious dialogue in a satirical key on the wave of humour. Humour, on the other hand, is not something the poor souls in the antismoking crusade share in abundance — to tell the truth, antismoking humour is abundant as its truth and intellect, and is represented by the number they love the most: zero.
We publish four more videos of Hairy Chestnuts, and replies to the Minister of Propaganda from different sides of the Atlantic. We hope that you enjoy them as much as we did.
The Antismoking League on Air Filtration
The Antismoking League on FORCES
The Antismoking League on Health & Safety