From one of the most sickly obsessed-with-public-health countries in the world, Canada, comes one of the most relaxed and clear pieces on the incredible paranoia over health and environment that is transforming nations into bankrupt prisons.

The article “Our Chemical Paranoia” is written by Dan Gardner and published by the Ottawa Citizen. It concerns the obsession with the “chemicals” which, out of malicious information and sheer ignorance, are associated with all kind of disease and “dangers”. There is no mention of smoking, and that is for two reasons: first because smoking is irrelevant to the article and second, even if it was, it would be “too hot to handle”. The careers of the those who write and speak in this article would be certainly ruined. Antismoking is a most fanatical state of mind, similar to the darkest and most primitive religions.

Nevertheless, the parallel with active and smoking and passive smoking is striking. Remember the “4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke” fraud? You certainly do – how can you forget, you hear that every day. Now compare it with this about pesticides:

“What environmentalists almost never mention is that the pesticide residues routinely found on produce are found in quantities that are a tiny fraction of what would be required for them to do harm. A very tiny fraction. […] Quantities matter. Or as Paracelsus said in the 16th century, ‘the poison is in the dose.’ ”

Now, please, look immediately at the table in this link. Quantities matter indeed – but the con men in the public health institutions tell us that they do not, and that passive smoke is a killer in any amount.

Now consider the following, and replace the word “chemicals” with “smoking”:

“It’s also a mistake to focus solely on the risk chemicals may pose to our health, [a professor of chemistry] says. ‘We live in a world that is full of risks. We spend our life evaluating risks, whether consciously or sub-consciously. And everything comes down to a risk-benefit analysis. When we get in a car, we’re taking a risk. When we cross the street, we’re taking a risk.’"

We accept these risks because the benefit of driving or crossing the street outweighs the danger. In the same way, we have to consider not only what chemicals might do to us, but also what they do for us.”

Smoking indeed has many benefits and many therapeutic effects but, once again, “public health” suppresses the information on the benefits (and it has the gall to call that “education”!), and only tells us about the presumed evils.

This is a very educational piece indeed, and a must-read – and not only for pesticides. This is what our society has become: a very sick patient in severe need of psychiatric therapy – or: the therapeutic state needs a cure, and better be crash therapy.



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