For a hoot, read the "embarrassed" comments of this anti-tobacco operative whose friend from the Big City was appalled that smoking was still allowed in restaurants in benighted Wisconsin. Bear in mind that the entire article drips a phoniness so obvious that the author’s credibility about any subject is in jeopardy.
"As coordinator of the Tobacco Program of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility in Milwaukee, I oversee the effort of shareholders who raise questions about tobacco concerns with the large tobacco companies – Philip Morris USA, Reynolds American Inc. and Loews Corp."
From a resident who knows a thing or two about how anti-tobacco operates:
I am a Neanderthal. I am offensive by my very existence. I am a legal smoker of tobacco. That said, I would like to know the funding for Mr. Crosby’s position and the funding for the Interfaith Center. Does any of it come from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement? Does any of it come from Robert Woods Johnson Foundation grants, or funneled thru either of these through the state of WI? If so, I would ask him to cease and desist lobbying for a total ban on The Smoker, as I have paid him and his Center thru my tobacco taxes for years.
The questions are, of course, rhetorical and, thief that he is, Mr. Crosby has no intention of ceasing to persecute those whom he has robbed.