Pfizer is being generous: free Viagra if a fella loses his job. OK, that’s interesting: they’ll give you Viagra to make whoopee, however their paid antitobacco activists won’t let you smoke after sex: after all, they’ve got to beef up sales of Chantix, now that word’s gotten around about its grotesque side effects.
Never mind the massive costs imposed on consumers, small business owners, and taxpayers by antitobacco’s tax and ban mandates. They’ve managed to bankrupt your favorite bar, for instance, but now you can take Viagra, whoop it up, and forget you lost your job, at least until you run into your old bartender on the unemployment line.
As John Lennon said, whatever gets you through the night, that’s all right, but may we suggest, for a feeling of satisfaction that lasts all day through, help us put the Big Pharma and antitobacco crooks out of work for good.