We THINK that we live in advanced, progressive times dominated by science but we are wrong. We used to, in the first 80 years of the 20th century. But now those times are gone, and we are quickly returning to superstition and fear of the unknown.

Back to the Middle Ages: the devils and the monsters of the 21st century

The alcohol industry

The oil industry

The food industry

The tobacco industry

The smoker

Our constant example is, of course, the superstition about passive smoking and the mortality of smoking – all sealed by epidemiologic trash science that cannot prove causality and, toghether with the Precautionary Principle and alongside the Holy Inquisition, reverses the burden of proof on the accused.

There are many other examples. Some of them are macroscopic – the global warming fraud, the obesity fraud, the cellular phone frauds, etcetera. Others are pathetic, and reminiscent of times where houses with their back to the forest were worth much less because of the danger that elfs, gnomes and devils walking through the back door. Today’s gnomes and devils are the particulate matter from cars and bonfires, a handful of molecules in plastic toys, the tiny amount of lead in the paint and so on.

With the need to prove causality out of the way, we are proceeding with science by consensus – and smoking and global warming are prime examples. But the removal of causality opens the door to all kind of gnomes. During the past crusade against sex, masturbation caused pimples and blindness. Now that pornography is printed more then the Bible is, masturbation no longer causes that. It is replaced by smoking that causes baldness and impotence and by alcohol that also causes blindness.

From Down Under here is a nice piece of medieval superstition: “Four beers a day could make you blind” – along with the omnipresent smoking which, of course, can make you blind too. As a matter of fact, maybe it is all the fault of smoking this time too:

“…While the new findings, presented at an ophthalmology conference in Melbourne today, suggest drinking habits could be contributing, it may not be that clear cut. It might be that heavy drinkers were also more likely to smoke, which is a well-identified disease risk" sais junk scientist Dr Chong.

Chong lies, of course: there is no scientific demonstration that smoking (or drinking) leads to macular degeneration. It is only trash epidemiology – the alchimist’s book of the 21st century.

Keep on drinking and keep on smoking – and, especially, keep your sharp eyes on the ball of the scientific fraud.



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