"Thick Arctic ice may be the reason for a precipitous drop in this spring’s two-month gray whale count at Point Piedras Blancas."
The first line of this story is a puzzle. Thick Arctic ice? Thick Arctic ice in the era of global warming? Thick Arctic ice that apparently has reduced the number of gray whale calves? Haven’t we been told incessantly that the polar ice caps are disappearing because of all the green house gasses we pesky humans are emitting? How did this story bypass the anthropogenic climate change mainstream filter, especially mere months after the world was treated to the heart-rending image of stranded polar bears floating to their doom on a dwindling iceberg? The photographer of the dramatic picture, by the way, was mighty irritated that her work was used to fan global warming hysteria, especially since the bears in the photo were fat and happy and the picture was taken in the summer, when icebergs tend to melt.
Thick Ice is making it impossible for gray whales to breed, and thin ice is making it impossible for polar bears to eat and global warming can actually accomplish this in the same year, in the same place, using the same data. Amazing. Whale researchers can look at the data, determine the Ice is too thick and is killing the whales. Polar Bear researchers then look at the exact same data, conclude that the Arctic ice is thinning and killing the polar bears and both can agree that it is global warming.
When grant junkies are chasing research dollars and the latest fad is global warming the "researchers" will ensure that the thesis of their research is tied to global warming. Many of these researchers don’t care that the data from one group differs from their own research, they simply need to secure the grant money which pleases the academia bosses and maintains the job. The contradictions in human-caused climate changes are becoming as apparent as the contradictions that riddle the anti-smoking movement.