We encourage Minnesotans, and everyone else, to contact Minnesota legislators. Tell them to can the ban.
We have reported extensively on activist and legislative movement in Minnesota in recent weeks. Proposals have been submitted in the Minnesota House and Senate for considerable loosening of the state ban. There is also sentiment amongst a growing number of legislators for outright repeal. Unlike in many areas, in Minnesota reason is at the moment being given a hearing, it is worthwhile to give it every chance. Lend your voice. It will carry weight whether you live in Minnesota or not. Let the legislators know there is local, national, and international disgust with antitobacco extremism. Tout for repeal or at a minimum passage of measures allowing far greater exemption from the smoking ban. If you live in Minnesota let the House reps (who are up for re-election in 2008) in particular know that your votes depend on their votes. We link below to contacts for all legislators at a government site, to a district finder for Minnesotans who may need to research the names of their House and Senate representatives, and also to a listing of pertinent voting records, in two file formats, prepared by Sheila Kromer of freedomtoact.com. Updates on Minnesota issues are appearing regularly at that website.
House contacts: (Link)
Senate contacts: (Link)
District finder: (Link)
Voting records (PDF format): (Link)
Voting records (MS Word format): (Link)