Major American tobacco companies are suing against free-speech restrictions included in the FDA tobacco regulation legislation which is now law. The biggest firm, Philip Morris, a.k.a. Altria, will not take part in the suit. It’s the ultimate masochist among the sorry lot of US Big Tobacco companies. The others now fight with one trembling hand what they brought on themselves with the appeasing other. The result of this lawsuit will mean little to consumers. Most are moving to the black market and that movement will grow ever faster. America’s Big Tobacco companies are simply idiotic enemies of themselves and their customers. Boycott all of their products.
Australia Cans vs Bottles
Crack. Fizz. Gulp. Ahhhhhh. Is there a drinking experience more classically Australian than ripping the ring-pull off a beer? "The visceral pleasure from that first crack of a beer can is identical to popping a champagne cork," says wine and drinks writer Mike Bennie. "There's also huge appeal in the tinnie's nostalgia factor."