A meeting of the International Pharmacy Federation was strategically staged in the Chinese capital to expand the smoking cessation marketing of the big multinationals in that country, that now represents a potential market of 1.3 billion people.
Tobacco is a great source of wealth for China and it is currently a state industry. But we would not surprised if such state of affairs would change soon. The Big Pharmaceuticals and their publicly-funded moppets – that is, the World Health Organization – have long set their eyes on the enormous Chinese market, and they intend to do to it what they have already done to another huge market, the Indian one.
Just like what happened in India in 2003-2004, first the pharmaceutical gangsters strategically locate their operatives (invariably, people who have an interest or ties with their industry) in strategic positions of power (infiltration) with the use of their customary political corruption. Those people have the function of spreading false information on tobacco amongst politicians, and especially the healthist ideology. The first and natural target is usually the ministry of health, which is always the vipers’ nest of antismoking policies everywhere in the world. Doctors, of course, support the ministry because that augments the power of their class.
After that, the government is offered a good political deal: “Lie on tobacco with us”, the government is told, “and switch revenues from tobacco to antitobacco. Here are the well-tested means to proceed with it. Here are the projections of gain”. The projections are, of course, false and, equally of course, the means are trash and falsified “science” on active and passive smoking, along with standard procedures to deliver the false information in a way that is emotionally effective on the masses. The first task is, in fact, the elimination of rational thinking and analytical thought and its replacement with fear of death and hysteria. The motivations for the operatives range from political rewards to a “piece of the action” in the Big Pharma enterprise, and to simple, outright corruption. The psychological and moral justification is that the ends justify the means: public fraud is a legitimate means to improve “public health”. Science usually becomes a nuisance, thus it gets quickly replaced with epidemiology, portrayed as hard/empirical science to the ignorant masses.
To that end, "authoritative” and influential figures are paid-off to corroborate the statistical and international frauds; results are given but studies are not shown for analysis (reserving the right to “understand” them to the previously bought out medical class), as people implicitly are told to believe the “authority” and never try to understand what is “over their heads” in the first place: the junk science. Opposition, dissent and criticism is shut down brutally along with the scientists who object to the fraud and don’t play along – something exceedingly easy in China, a place where the democratic tradition and the freedom of information cannot even claim a past history.
The crooks of international “public health” will have an easy time in China. China has given already proof that it can be brutal with pharmaceutical corruption when it executed a former director of its food and drug agency for approving fake medicine in exchange for cash. That was meant to show how serious Beijing wants to look about tackling product safety – but that was penny-ante next to the interests of the tobacco control fraud. It is also true that all good things must come to an end, and that such brutal policy can be easily turned around against those who produce cigarettes. After all, the ideology is that cigarettes are an “inherently unsafe product”, is it not? And the execution of tobacco operatives would certainly be applauded by the tobacco control criminals all over the world, while China would be implicitly taken as an example of “progressive country” that takes the “public health” issue seriously.
The moral of the story is still the same: it is not what is true, moral, civil, reasonable and fair that matters. It is who has the power. The lesson we can learn is that we have to take the political and executive power from “public health” and render justice for a change; and – for us as it is for them – the ends justify the means.