Anti-prohibition news from over the world |
Collected live from our allies’ blogs. Note: All opinions expressed below are those of the authors only, not necessarily those of Forces International. |
- Is smoking making a comeback?
- Not Invented Here syndrome
- How slushy ice drinks became a health hazard
- CDC Tells Public that Saving Millions of Lives is Offset by Youth Ripping Some Tobacco-Free, Smokeless Vapes
- More obesity babble
- Nanny state politicians in their own words
- The People vs. Paternalism
- Researchers of Severely Flawed Study Conclude that Vaping is Just as Harmful as Smoking and Causes Heart Disease and Dementia
- CDC Needs to Stop Calling E-Cigarettes "Tobacco Products"
- Iowa Health Says There's No Real Difference Between Vaping and Smoking
- Quote of the week: minimum pricing
- What is the Marcela Trust?
- Gambling is still not a public health issue
- New Study Demonstrates Why Anti-Vape Academics are Wrong in Concluding that E-Cigarette Use Causes Heart Attacks and COPD
- New Study Shows that E-Cigarettes Help Young Adult Smokers to Quit