Dear Donor,
Thank you for getting to this page. Before donating or becoming a member, you may want to read some information about us.
Mailing address USA Headquarters FORCES, Inc. P.O. Box 4267 Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, USA USA Tax US identification number: 542023140 FORCES INTERNATIONAL (Forces, Inc.) is an Educational non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA. Forces, Inc. has received the Educational 501(c)3 non profit status from the Internal Revenue Service. Your contribution may be tax deductible in the United States. National FORCES chapters outside of the United States are similarly structured according to the laws of the countries in which they operate. | ACTIVISM? FORCES IS THERE!FORCES MultiMedia:Powered By: FORCES International (Double-click for full-screen video) |
Thank you for reading the above information. Now, if you still want to donate or become a member, please follow the simple guidelines below. Whatever your choice, thank you!I want to donate:
I want to donate using a credit or debit card

Click on the animated picture. It will take you to the secure page for using your Credit or Debit card. Simply follow the instructions there. Fill the amount you whish to donate in the appropriate area.
You will receive:
- A letter of thanks
- A receipt for the tax deduction
I want to donate through cheque or International Postal Money Order
- Click on this link. It will take you to a form where to write your name, mailing address, e-mail address. Print the form and fill it.
- Fill a US funds cheque (Canada and United States only), or purchase an International Postal Money Order for the amount you want to donate.
- Write in the “memo” area: NON TRANSFERABLE.
- Wrap the cheque in the form you have filled out and send it to:
P.O. Box 4267
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, USA
You will receive:
- A letter of thanks
- A receipt for the tax deduction that you can use if it is applicable to you
I want to donate using PayPal Click on this Donate button. It will take you to the Pay Pal secure site. Simply follow the instructions there. Fill the amount you whish to donate in the appropriate area. Confirm when prompted to do so.
You will receive:
- A letter of thanks
- A receipt for the tax deduction
I don’t have money, but I still want to help. What can I do?
If you can’t afford membership or donations you still can help by donating your time and skills that we would have to buy otherwise.
Below is what we need, but first, please read this.
Donating time and skills effectively
FORCES International is a seriously committed organization that fights for your rights. Seriousness is an essential element when fighting against the overwhelming power of governments and healthist organizations financed with millions and millions of pharmaceutical dollars.
Unfortunately, there seems to be some confusion between volunteer work and what we shall call hobby dedication. For that reason we find it necessary to define both.
Hobby dedication is an interest in a particular issue or activity that is conditional to the availability of disposable time, and indeed, it is a use of that disposable time. For example, collecting stamps, participating in a chess club, raising occasional funds for the local charity, or restoring collectible cars, are all examples of hobby dedication. That does not mean that those activities are not taken seriously. It means that, because of their own nature, hobby dedications are not binding activities, and come as very low priorities that are conditional to moods, spare time and, at any rate, altogether to personal discretion, as they are non-essential activities exclusively based on the whim of the individual, who mostly acts alone.
Volunteer work is the donation of a portion of one’s own professional time, to be employed with a commitment that is no different than that which is applied to a paid and full-time job, and where one will often work in coordination with others, who in turn rely on that volunteer work through organizational structure, funds and resources, and count on the quality and on the timely delivery of the work done, according to specification. As in any work environment, work ethics are of the essence. That means that the volunteer worker is expected to deliver what he/she has committed to in a professional and timely manner and that, in case of unforeseen events that interfere with expected performance, proper advanced notice is to be given to the organizers so as to minimize or compensate for the problems created. In short, volunteer work is a professional employment that is limited to a part-time commitment agreed upon with the organization to which the volunteer work is donated. Unpaid, volunteer work does not mean having the licence to perform a task if and when one wants, deliver according to a low-priority ?spare time? dedication, or even drop out altogether without notification, on the grounds that the work volunteered was never paid for in the first place. That attitude may be appropriate to hobby dedications but is not acceptable for dedicated volunteer work. Promise what you can and will deliver. We pay for services unavailable via volunteer effort, and would rather pay, than rely on the unreliable.
FORCES needs volunteer work, not hobby dedication. Actually, work that is volunteered as a hobby dedication would be harmful to us, for it would create continuous problems and dysfunctional operation. Please consider that before volunteering your help. We are working to restore liberty. This is serious work. It requires performance as promised, not dilettante dedication, subject to competing hobbies or one?s mood.
If you are willing to donate volunteer work on those terms we need all the help you can offer! Here is a partial list of what it?s badly needed according to the skills you may have.
Sound and video Editors ? Our Multimedia portal system is designed to offer audio-video productions. The Multimedia portal is not just designed to reproduce various videos. Most importantly, it is aimed to give enhanced voice to our side, and to educate. That means that our aim is to have the largest possible number of FORCES-produced materials. The biggest limiting factor to that production is the editing time. Your expert help as an audio-video editor would greatly enhance our production capability.
Graphic Designers – For educational and advertisement functions FORCES will rely more and more on graphics. Graphic designers capable of creating banners, logos, animations, and more generally to improve the appearance of our site, would be a great asset to the organization.
Fund Raisers ? FORCES is a true grass-root organization and, contrary to the childish insistencies of our enemies, we are not financed by the tobacco industry, or by any other industry, directly or indirectly. Being unbeholden to any single organization or interest group preserves our objectivity and credibility, but money is a classic ?problem? of all volunteer organizations, whose potential effectiveness can be considerably hampered by financial limitations. Skilled fundraisers mindful of the cause and capable of raising funds through donations solicited from individuals, institutions, business organizations or investors anywhere in the world, would be a key to the growth of our organization. Fair and advantageous agreements could be established for compensation to such fundraisers.
Membership, donations and advertisement Coordinators ? The steadiness of membership feed, more than anything else, guarantees that ?the lights are kept on.? Although our basic operations are manned by volunteers who draw no salaries, expenditures exist nevertheless: servers, server administrators, professional web masters, bandwidth consumption, reimbursements, machine replacements, etc., are all expenses that must be faced on a regular basis. Income such as from donations and from advertisement solicitation is vital. Advertisement sales are not difficult because of the huge number of documentable visitors to the FORCES International web site, as well as its national chapters in different languages ? from Dutch to Italian to German. As to compensation, arrangements similar as those for fundraisers could be established.
Web Masters ? Although a legal, non-profit entity registered in four different nations according to local laws, FORCES is largely based on the Internet. That means that reliable web masters are indispensable for our operation. Many more sections of the huge FORCES web site could be open much sooner if more web masters would become available. Our portals are PHP-based as opposed to HTML-based, and the web masters should be skilled in that programming language.
Translators ? FORCES International is not just an American/German/Italian/Dutch organization. Its approaches are likewise varied, i.e. in its educational, news, and multimedia portals. The intent of our organization is to be able, one day, to communicate our educational and informational functions in all the major languages of the world. That is because the healthist ideology and lifestyle control, as well as the ?public health? epidemiological frauds, are truly global problems, nowadays, and no country on Earth will be left untouched by them. We believe that knowledge is the most powerful weapon against fraud and superstition ? but knowledge must be carried by language, and translators can increase our reach. The presence of reliable translators would make it possible to activate multilingual sections of the website ? from news to scientific information ? in the main languages of the Earth even without the presence of FORCES chapters in those countries.
Furthermore, one of the tactics of antitobacco is to make its victims feel isolated, while offering a ?helping hand? (that is, conform, quit, and use pharmaceutical products). To that end, information control is essential to the prohibitionists, and servile mass-media in various countries do not report worldwide resistance. In general, mass-media attempts to make the local population believe that smoking bans elsewhere are a ?success,? popular amongst non-smokers and smokers alike. The media seeks to cripple and demoralize the organization of any effective opposition. The knowledge that other countries are ?fighting the fight? can be voiced only with the help of translators.
We need two translators per language from and into English for the following languages:
? French
? Spanish
? German
? Italian
? Arabic
? Chinese
? Portuguese
State Educators ? As an educational organization, we need people who are knowledgeable and capable of teaching long-distance. We can provide the technical tools needed for the long-distance teaching. Among other duties, Educators would disseminate the Citizens’ Toolkit and answer questions about facts. As with Translators for international communication, one objective is to assure people that they are not isolated. More than that, because FORCES works at the national and international levels, we are familiar with the “antismoking playbook”, so to speak. This is important information that needs to be conveyed to interested citizens as well as state legislators.
Scientific Readers ? One important function of our organization is education through interpretation of the epidemiological evidence and direct access of the readers to that evidence. The evidence must be read and the essential data compiled into short charts that sum up that evidence. For example, a study on passive smoking and heart disease typically controls for two or three of the nearly 300 confounders for heart disease. The study would have to be read at least summarily to discover its size and the number of confounders it has actually controlled for. Those confounders would be marked in a special table containing all the possible confounders of the disease, so that the reader could have an immediate sense of the precision of the study in question. That is what a scientific reader is for. Even people who do not possess high specialization can extract such information after a short training session that can be done over computer or phone.
Data entry and data scouting ? FORCES has the ambition to become the largest source of information on the Internet for the topics it deals with and on the issues it addresses. A ?one-stop? information centre would be immensely useful for researchers and for the education of laymen, politicians, and activists. A data entry and scouting person would have the task of finding relevant scientific information and/or entering the current information into our portal systems for easy and fast consultation.
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
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