The Flavor Police

"Congressmen are haggling over which flavors of cigarette to ban. Nearly all agree that chocolate, strawberry, almost any other conceivable flavor be banned, but there is a furious debate as to whether clove-flavored cigarettes should be a permitted exception. ‘The Read more…

Passive obesity is here

<em>’If your friends and family get fat, chances are you will too, researchers report in a startling new study that suggests obesity is &quot;socially contagious&quot; </em>

Allergic US employee sues to ban perfume at work

<p><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;">Here is a perfect example of a society with its poles reversed. Once upon a time, when the world was right side up, those who suffered allergies and other &ldquo;sensitivities&rdquo; bore their misfortune with dignity, and expected nothing extraordinary from others.</span></p>

The case against smoking bans, part 2

<p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;">Mark Wernimont shows not only that the epidemiological &ldquo;science&rdquo; on passive smoking is real junk science, but also that the junk science that says that passive smoking does not cause cancer is regularly buried by &ldquo;public health&rdquo;.</span></p>

All in a Good Cause

This is a book by Orson Scott Card that tells a story. This is a story about data falsification on climate change. It is the story of an analyst &ndash; a professional &ndash; who has an ideology.

“Smoking is bad, but…” version 2047576.9836.2

<p><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Here it is, once again. The umpteenth, hollow argument against smoking bans. Is this simple ignorance, faith or superstition &ndash; or is it just the desperate need to obtain ‘acceptance by conceding’, to finally deliver one&rsquo;s own argument?</span></p>