Focus on Canada, Part IV
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="">Fear the Canadian “health” Gestapo. They mean business. The crime is tobacco! What are you <strong>prepared to do</strong> about it?…<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="">Fear the Canadian “health” Gestapo. They mean business. The crime is tobacco! What are you <strong>prepared to do</strong> about it?…<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p>The Canadian city of Montreal, once known as relaxed, welcoming and chic, has become a harassment zone for smokers, property owners who are forced to put out ashtrays for smokers (is this to enhance social intolerance?), and apparently for anyone from whom revenue in the forms of fines can be squeezed.</p>
<p>A new talking smoke detector, embedded in the flowerbeds, that harasses patients (legally) smoking in the garden of a psychiatric institution, warns them that they have been automatically reported. That is the topic that kicks off this article.</p>
<p>Predictably, Canadian physicians ‘are calling for a country-wide ban on smoking in all vehicles carrying children, including private cars, to protect young lungs from the dangers of second-hand smoke.’</p>
<p>The worst characteristics of the "baby boom" generation are embodied in Hillary Clinton. Self-righteous moral preening? You betcha. Rigid adherence to the dictates of "experts?" In spades.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana;">Michael Siegel reflects on a depressing but run-of-the-mill reality: when it comes to antismoking and prohibition, science does not matter.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p>Canadians have been polled about whether or not they would support a ban of smoking in movies and 52 per cent said they would not. What’s far more interesting than the poll results is what <em style="">isn’t </em>said in the story; what apparently never crosses the Globe and Mail reporter’s mind to ask.</p>
<p>The unfortunate Canadian nation is continuing its march of repression, oppression, total control and fundamental moral inversion. Here are the latest examples – and warnings to other countries. Part 3 of 3.</p>
<p>The hyperbole that forms today’s discourse is so over the top that most people don’t hear it. This obvliousness is a wise tactic since what is coming out of supposedly knowledgeable people is so absurd that ignorance is preferable. Dr. Elio F. Gagliano is still listening and although he, like everyone else is appalled at the baseless hysteria, is still willing to put the rhetoric under a microspope.</p>
<p>The news from Atlantic City is grim as Casinos report record losses. So bad is the downturn that the Casino owners are blaming the smoking ban that they rolled over to support.</p>