Good Prince Harry
<p>Third ine to the throne of England, Good Prince Harry smokes like a chimney!</p>
<p>Third ine to the throne of England, Good Prince Harry smokes like a chimney!</p>
<p>The deciding "vote" as to whether Decatur Alabama would embrace prohbition or not was cast not by any elected politician in the city but instead by an elected official of Massachusetts. What gives?</p>
<p>Taxes collected to combat global warming in the United Kingdom are double what is needed to offset CO2 emissions. The grifters have learned well the lessons taught by the anti-tobacco scam artists.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: 8pt;">In the movement against trash science and public health’s social control there is arrayed a vast majority of intelligent, dedicated and combative people. But even amongst them the predominant attitude is one of hopelessness. As a movement, we need an attitude adjustment.<br />
<p>Montreal: The Broken City – Demonization and deflection just won’t cut in any more.</p>
<p>What exactly is your interpretation of freedom?</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana;">Who does not know the historical phrase <em style="">“…One small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind?”</em><o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p>Throughout time some religious cults, while arguably useful for the self-esteem of their adherents, have often been destructive to the general society that surrounds them. As the cult of Health becomes more powerful it’s important to examine the acolytes.</p>
<p>They take crime seriously in Union City Georgia as one McDonald’s employee discovered after cooling her heels in jail.</p>
<p>A man who had smoked his entire life showed up at the pearly gates. St. Peter found the smoking man’s name in his book. Next to the man’s name was written the word "smoker".</p>