Man shot for smoking in shop
<p>A few days ago we reported of a non smoking patient being removed from a medical facility when he was no longer smoking – today we report of a customer being shot by a grocery store security guard for smoking.</p>
<p>A few days ago we reported of a non smoking patient being removed from a medical facility when he was no longer smoking – today we report of a customer being shot by a grocery store security guard for smoking.</p>
<p>Obsessed with clean air, clean water, renewable energy ad nauseum. Who measures up to the elitist idea?</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana;">This piece by Gian Turci published on the Pro-Choice Smoking Doctor addresses the fundamental problem of our society today: <strong style="">institutional corruption</strong>.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p>Michael Douglas, Ed Norton, Mel Gibson, Whoopi Goldberg and many other of our favorite stars declare their independence. In a moving and unforgettable reading by these brilliant stars, we are reminded once again how important are the freedoms we used to have.</p>
<p>As Anti gears up to a Final Solution to the smoker problem we recall a wise article from seventeen years ago. </p>
<p align="justify">The health establishment has asked itself, why settle for merely denying smokers medical care, after they’ve been hurt? Among the latest advances in public healh discipline we note an orchestrated attack on a cripple by hospital staff. </p>
<p>Lisa Lumley, political Conservative candidate, says "Why are nursing homes sending people, who have been smoking for 50 or 60 years, outside?" </p>
<p align="justify">Radio talkmeister Rush Limbaugh has reported the "lifting of the Santa Cruz smoking ban… for a medical marijuana smoke-in in the park" as we also have done on the FORCES page. David, a loyal reader, offers his personal take on the situation.</p>
<p>A tipping point has been reached in the Anglo sphere; prohibition is the next logical step.</p>
<p>Like Charlie Brown eternally tricked by Lucy as he attempts to kick the football she each year pretends she will hold, we, the American taxpayer, continually trust the politicians to make right their bad behavior.</p>