Get healthy or get fired

<p><em>&quot;The rules of the workplace are changing, and personal behavior and lifestyle habits – those unrelated to what you do at work – are now fair game for employers determined to cut health-care costs.&quot;</em></p>
<p>So, we are to willingly lay down and roll over for this, knowing it is based upon &quot;junk science&quot;?&nbsp; Read on to see why we call it &quot;junk science&quot;.</p>

Believe the Lies, Quit Smoking and Get Killed

<p align="justify">If we were antitobacco &quot;experts&quot; we would say that there is an&nbsp;oh-so &quot;scientific&quot; and indubitably &quot;causal&quot; link between the gun death of Texas musician Carter Albrecht and smoking cessation. He believed his doctor’s lies.</p>

Smokers’ Acne Face

<p>Since smoking causes everything negative it’s no surprise that zits, blackheads and pimples are also the result of enjoying the evil weed.&nbsp; How do we know this to be true?&nbsp; The usual way.&nbsp; A study tells us so.&nbsp;</p>