The Anti-social State

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">This interesting piece from Florida addresses an essential&nbsp;tragedy&nbsp;of&nbsp;anti-smoking social engineering: social disintegration.</span></p>

After protests, EU gangsters call for total ban

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">As a reaction to the round of protests against the European antitobacco policy antismoking gangsters want to <em>accelerate</em> the pace. The call now is for&nbsp;draconian&nbsp;smoking bans in the whole of </span><span style="font-size: 8pt">Europe</span><span style="font-size: 8pt"> by 2008.</span></p>

Smoking Wins Popularity Contest

<p align="justify">A place&nbsp;where normal folks&nbsp;can gather socially — whether smokers or non-smokers — to socialize normally&nbsp;was, naturally, the definition of a hospitality venue prior to the dictatorship of Anti. That a nightclub which does its best to approximate normal conditions under tyranny is now crammed to bursting with normal folks of every stripe therefore does not surprise.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Oregon’s Measure 50

<p>One of our correspondents in Oregon writes an editorial to his local newspaper in response to Oregon’s Measure 50, on the November 6th ballot, which will raise cigarette taxes and will also become part&nbsp; of the Oregon Constitution.</p>

Rewarding exploiters and blackmailers

<p>If you enter the search string &ldquo;women paid less than men&rdquo; in any search engine, you will be inundated by thousands of pages loaded with outrage about women still be paid less than men in many countries. They words &lsquo;unfair&rsquo;, &lsquo;discrimination&rsquo; and &lsquo;injustice&rsquo; are fired out like bullets from machine guns.</p>