Know Thine Enemy

<p align="justify"><img vspace="10" hspace="5" align="left" src="" alt="" />A second Round Table of FORCES discussions, concerning smoking bans, prohibition and the power of antismoking organizations. How did it all start? When did you first become aware of a smoking ban near you? Is it possible (and credible) that the entire world, all of a sudden, spontaneously embraces prohibition? Who is behind it? Where will it go? And what can be done&nbsp;to&nbsp;stop it?</p>

An Elitist’s View

<p align="justify">Being a member of the elitist ruling class, I ascribe 100% to the concept of Utilitarian Bioethics, now being taught as truth in many colleges around our nation.</p>

Wishing For It Makes It So

<p align="justify">One of the characteristics of our time is the growth of a long-standing and very unfortunate human trait: the belief that by repeatedly stating something that is not so it will become so, that is, that the objective reality that we don’t like will become an objective reality that we like, because we said so,&nbsp;so many times.&nbsp;</p>

The U.N.’s Climate Summit

<p align="justify">You would think, with all the media hype about global warming, that the U.N.’s first climate summit of world leaders would have been of great importance to the public and to the news media. To my knowledge, none of the TV news networks even mentioned the two-day summit last week or an important speech there.</p>

Kid Stuff

<p align="justify">The Tobacco-free Kids, their funding extorted from smokers, vow as Hitler Youth did never to touch tobacco. Of course they’ll have their say about the regulation of products their benefactors want to use. So these more than pesky kids, or more accurately their adult mind-benders, recently flew off to the nation’s capital at smokers’ expense, to campaign for Food and Drug Administration tobacco regulation.&nbsp;We, and the FDA chief incidentally, would gladly give these pests a bubble-gum cigar to go home and shut up.</p>

Cameraman, Give Me a Light

<p align="justify">Here’s an interesting bit from television we missed along the course of the SCHIP debate. Fox News contributor Jonathan Hoenig expressed in both words and action his fulsome&nbsp;disgust for the incessant targeting of smokers. As he puffed away on screen&nbsp;Hoenig suggested that his cameraman was doing the same. That you can’t see but we hope so.</p>

Evil, Part II

<p><span><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Here is Part II of the forum posting of Winston Smith on emerging collective patterns. The analysis is deepened and explained with the help of images.</span></span></p>

Smoking Prevention Bill May Backfire

<p>&quot;<em>No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, . . . enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State</em>.&quot;<br />
—- U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 10</p>
<p align="justify">As the House Committee on Energy and Commerce prepared to hold a hearing October 3rd&nbsp;on the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (H.R. 1108), the Competitive Enterprise Institute urged&nbsp;committee members to consider the negative effects the bill could have on public health.</p>