3 ~ Equality
The central and most seminal Socialist tactic has been to promote equality and enshrine it in laws such as ‘gender equality’ and ‘racial equality’. Men and woman, young and old, rich and poor all started being treated as if their individual talents, aspirations and needs were identical so that people started demanding what they imagined to be their ‘rights’ with scant regard for the rights of others such as doctors and mothers.
Much was made of the notion that people are ‘created equal’. Nobody is more than a speck of dust in the universe, everyone eats, sleeps and has natural functions and all are prey to pestilence, starvation and disease. But the fact of the matter is that human beings are primates of the same phylogenetic order or group as gorillas and chimpanzees. One of their characteristics is that there is a hierarchy in the social structure of their communities where a dominant male occupies the top spot. The difference between them and us lies in the fact that the character of human beings is more complex than that of chimpanzees and gorillas and this is reflected in the complexity of our hierarchies.
The important question to ask is: what happens to a society when the existence of this fundamental social order is denied by an ideology? Since hierarchy is innate in human social structure, at the core of their being is a fundamental need for individuals to know their status. Everyone has individual aptitudes and talents that can be cultivated and exploited. Everyone wants a place in the hierarchy, no matter how small, with the freedom to develop their skills and become a respected member of the community. However, if everyone is treated as equal then there is uncertainty about where they stand so that individuals feel less secure and ‘at home’ than they might otherwise do. Anxiety then affects the chemistry of their minds and their bodies in ways that are outlined in detail later. The most readily available sedatives for this anxiety are food, orgasms, drink and drugs that are all far more widely abused than fifty years ago.
Failure to recognize the complexity of human social structure has led to what is nowadays denigrated as ‘elitism’ and the denial of privilege. For example, as has been observed, family doctors have been harassed for parking illegally to visit the sick in their own homes. If everyone is treated as equal then sensitive, intelligent and capable individuals are held back while ignorant, arrogant extroverts are free to push their way to the front and abuse their power.
Clinically, to ignore the reality of the innate hierarchical component of the human personality is a form of disordered thought. Humanity has become lost and confused in an ideological dream world remote from common sense, logic and reason.
To delve deeper, at the bottom of the social pyramid are those born into poverty. Thomas Malthus (1766-1835) observed that populations of all living things, including people, grow faster than the available food supply. [1] All living things are not only adapted to exploit their environmental niche and thrive in it, they also have a functional reserve that enables them to survive and reproduce even when conditions are not perfect. Inevitably there will always be some living in less than ideal conditions. It is nature, not ‘the idle rich’, political ineptitude or lack of charity that causes poverty. The poor will always be a problem that must be approached realistically and humanely. It must be remembered that it is the poor who have been the most ruthlessly ‘naturally selected’ in the gene pool. In the event of a system collapse arising from political, economic, seismic or cosmic catastrophe, it will be they who will teach the rest how to survive hard times as they have no doubt done throughout the history of humanity. Even the poor have status.
Human society has acquired more knowledge than any one person can master in a lifetime of learning. Nobody can ever know it all. Therefore as they mature, individuals vary in the knowledge and wisdom they acquire and the talents and skills they develop. Some become superior in some fields of activity but remain inferior in others. Whereas a community of chimpanzees has one dominant individual, human communities have a host of individuals each with the potential to be better than others in some aspect of human activity. The individuals in society therefore become very far from ‘equal’. While ‘cake’ must be shared equally to prevent children squabbling, by the time they reach maturity different individuals require different sized portions if they are to fulfill their role in the hierarchy. To egalitarianise them is to place checks and balances on superior personalities and prevent them from exercising their talents and discharging the responsibilities that talent brings. Society is deprived of their potential contribution thereby undermining the welfare and morale of all.
If everyone is treated as equal, society is denied leadership and the way is opened for ignorant mismanagement of affairs, undermining the economy and creating strife, riot and revolution. It is then that a dictator, or ‘Big Brother’, can step in to impose order. That is what the Cold War was really all about and the West lost it. The consequences are being played out in the unfolding economic, ecological and social crises of our times.
Academic sociologists classify people into social classes and subdivisions of social classes according to income. At the crudest simplification, these are the upper, middle and lower classes. But the welfare of society is dependent on the mutual cooperation of all its divisions of labour. The wellbeing of society depends most on those who shoulder most occupational responsibility. It is therefore helpful to divide the classes of society by occupational responsibility rather than income as in the days before ideology replaced logic and common sense in the management of affairs.
The individuals in our society who shoulder the greatest responsibility have always been the sovereigns supported by the aristocracy whose vicissitudes have been documented by historians and dramatized by Shakespeare. They inherited their status. The contemporary dialectic criticises the hereditary principle on the grounds that it is undemocratic because the holders of hereditary positions have not been elected. But human affairs do not stop and start with elections. With nature in overall control, in a true democracy the interests of nature must also be represented in the management of affairs. Only those who have inherited their positions, that is to say, been chosen by nature, are in a position to do this. The political representation of nature requires people who have a vested interest in the past, present and the future. It is not in the national interest for parliamentary decisions to be directed towards winning the next election. To take a long-term view, some have to be relieved of the day-to-day worries of ordinary people so that they can concentrate on the broader picture. For that they require appropriate rights and privileges. For example, they need more than adequate income in order to be self-financing and immune to corruption and bribery. Only the hereditary principle can serve this purpose. Only a powerful hereditary House of Parliament can apply the necessary checks and balances that prevent abuse of the vote and the oppression of minorities. But since the last war, the dialectic of the psychological Cold War has disparaged the aristocracy in a way that would be considered ‘racist’ if directed at the immigrant community, and persecuted with punitive death duties.
Health, education and justice are important to all sections of society from the noblest to the humblest. This is the responsibility of the traditional professions, doctors, teachers and lawyers. But like the aristocracy, since the last war doctors and teachers have been relentlessly told how to do their jobs in the name of ‘equality’. Lawyers on the other hand have been left free to run amok into every corner of our lives enforcing ‘equality’. Assisting the professions are the professional ancillary workers such as nurses, social workers and policemen guided by the doctors, teachers and lawyers. There are many other minorities on whom the welfare of society depends such as the farmers who grow our food, university professors who are the custodians of knowledge and organise learning, senior civil servants who organise the administration of the state, diplomats who manage international relations and officers in the armed forces who defend us from those who choose to be our enemies. Below the professions come the businessmen and accountants who supervise the distribution of food and the manufacture and trading of goods and chattels. Totally overlooked is the fact that housewives and mothers are, or should be, the ultimate professionals. Their altruism and dedication is vital for the wellbeing of everyone. But Socialist philosophy and laws promoting gender equality and the ‘Terms & Conditions’ of family doctors in the NHS, have totally undermined the authority of mothers and doctors. The consequences have been catastrophic for the morale and wellbeing of society as detailed later.
Nowadays totalitarians talk of ‘equality of opportunity’ but diversity of opportunity should also be a political goal. It must be remembered that throughout history it has always been possible for lowborn but intelligent and gifted individuals to exploit the chances that came their way, talent-spotted by successful and prosperous older men and women, and advance to responsible positions in the human hierarchy. Indeed the early Grammar Schools were set up in the middle ages to educate such individuals.
Between the pinnacle and base of human hierarchy lie the vast majority of the population. They play their part by wielding a hammer or sickle either literally or, more usually nowadays, metaphorically. It is they whose interests have been championed by the psychological Cold War. This is now the most highly privileged section of society. It is waited on hand and foot by an army of servants, teachers for their children, and doctors for their diseases, technicians to provide running water, gas electricity and so forth. They also enjoy considerable personal freedom working nine to five or eight to four, or a few shifts on and a few days off and are then free to put their minds to whatever they please. But for housewives and mothers, doctors, and teachers for example, their work is their life all day every day.
Advances in civilisation are dependent on communities working together as a team under the leadership of those who have acquired a greater degree of knowledge, wisdom and human understanding. To paraphrase a sermon preached by James Hurdis, an Oxford professor, after the French had once again declared war at the end of the eighteenth century: imagine the community is a sailing ship and the people in that community are the crew. The ship will only sail safely to port if the crew respect the superior knowledge of the captain, allow themselves to be guided and do as they are told. If the individuals making up the crew have been led to believe themselves to be equal and guided by their own will, then the ship will wander from its course and risk shipwreck.
The political obsession with equality has caused a social shipwreck to befall the western world. We are physically healthy, warm, well-fed and secure yet emotionally insecure rushing around in a fidget of anxiety. In consequence, the western world has failed to husband resources, suffers intractable social problems, provoked terrorism, caused massive eco-devastation and is trillions in debt.
In the final analysis, peace and prosperity are dependent on the individuals in society working together to share and exploit human knowledge. In order to play their part, everyone must learn from their superiors and guide their inferiors. We all need superior people from whom we can learn, inferior people with whom we can share our knowledge and equals with whom we can enjoy companionship. Furthermore, to be respected, individuals must be trustworthy, dependable and make themselves useful to the community. Respect for the innate hierarchy of humanity and its elites is fundamental for the wellbeing of all. The differentiation between inferior and superior personalities is very eruditely outlined in the Richard Wilhelm translation of the I Ching. [2]
4 ~ The Origin of the Cold War
The confrontation that became the Cold War was a conspiracy that spawned the conspiracy theories of our times. It started in 1919 as a clandestine operation after the Russian Revolution of 1917, when Lenin set up the Communist International or ‘Comintern’. It was masterminded by the Committee for State Security that has had numerous names best known to us as the KGB but now called the FSB. The goal was not espionage but Communist domination and control of the world together with the destruction of capitalism.
Their technique was based on an ancient Chinese philosophy attributed to Sun-Tzu around 500 BC. He had held that all warfare is based primarily on the deception of an enemy. He realised enemies could be destroyed equally well by subverting their cultural values as by combat on a battlefield. To use computer jargon, ‘enemies’ could be overcome by corrupting the algorithms of their cerebral computers.
The underlying psychology has a biochemical basis deduced in antiquity. It only started to be confirmed scientifically with the discovery in the body of adrenaline in 1895, opioid neuropeptides in 1974 and cannabinoid receptors in the 1980s. The biochemistry is outlined later. However, the philosophy was fundamentally flawed in that it was ‘atheist’ and failed to respect the fact that the world is bigger than people. People cannot therefore control the world; it is the world that ultimately controls people.
This covert psychological operation took on a military aspect after the Second World War when the Iron Curtain, as Churchill described it, descended across Europe dividing it into East and West and developed into a nuclear standoff between Russia and the West. This had its origin in the Yalta conference to decide the fate of postwar Europe in February 1945 where a frail Franklin D Roosevelt, who was to die a couple of months later, took the side of a wily and ambitious Stalin rather than a pragmatic Churchill. Then at the Potsdam conference in July 1945, America was represented by a naive Harry S. Truman and Britain by an equally naive Clement Atlee, the recently elected Labour Prime Minister. Stalin got his way and the scene was set for the creation of the Socialist hegemony that now rules the world without anyone quite realising what happened.
The Cold War is generally believed to have ended in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell and the Iron Curtain rose as East European countries liberated themselves from overt Communist domination. The Soviet Union itself disintegrated in 1991 under the weight of its own confused ideology to become the Russian Federation, a ‘Mafia state’ run by ‘oligarchs’.
This lifted the fear of nuclear annihilation that had caused such apprehension among the immediate postwar generation and spawned movements such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The older generation, many of whom had, as young children, lain awake through air raids in the last war hoping a bomb would not drop on their beds, was more sanguine and saw the nuclear threat as political posturing. The West thinks it won. However, the nuclear threat was only a smoke screen, metaphorical rather than literal, which distracted attention from the psychological struggle for world domination that had started in 1919.
The Wall fell and the Curtain rose because they were no longer needed. Communism had successfully passed itself off as Socialism so that several generations have now been brought up to believe Socialism will solve the problems of the world. The Soviet Union may have disintegrated but with several generations by then indoctrinated, subversive activity continues unabated. [3] For example, even the bond of marriage to promote a secure physical, intellectual and spiritual environment for the raising of children is under attack by calls for ‘gay marriage’. This in spite of the fact that long overdue and more appropriate ‘civil partnerships’, have already been instituted.
Over the years, more and more people became aware that something was seriously wrong but were unable to put their finger on it. Suspicions were dismissed as ‘delusions’ with talk of ‘reds under the bed’. Defectors sought to warn us but were ignored. However, Socialism made no secret of its ambition so that now society is being crushed beneath a Himalaya of debt leaving a legacy of economic depression, terrorism and ideological confusion. Civilisation is increasingly recognised as being in crisis. Unless society quickly realises how it has been manipulated the Socialist goal of revolution, violent if necessary, will be the inevitable outcome.
Intelligence regarding the unfolding of events was not only gained by psychoanalysis in the consulting room but also from meeting a number of the individual protagonists, the testimony of Soviet defectors and BBC documentary television programmes such as Messengers from Moscow broadcast in 1994.
The technique or psychodynamics of ideological indoctrination are examined more closely in the chapters that follow. They culminate in the insidious and unchallenged way that the power and authority of doctors and mothers, who are the ultimate sources of emotional security and wellbeing in all communities was undermined.
- Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, London, 1798.
- Richard Wilhelm, I Ching, (London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1968).
- BBC2, “Modern Spies”, April 2nd 2012.