ARTICLE 1 – FORCES is based on the fundamental principle that people have a right to individual self-determination, and that the opportunity for individual self-determination is essential to human dignity. We believe that individual liberty of action, thought and behaviour is the paramount shared value of civil society, and that other values, when in conflict with such individual liberties, must normally submit to them. All individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.
ARTICLE 2 – The function of the state is to manage justice and order with an essential number of laws. It is not the function of the state to establish, influence, enforce, mandate or forbid trends, culture, opinions, values and the lifestyle and habits of the citizens ? nor to regulate them in any way, except, and limited to, when indisputable evidence exists that those trends, opinions and values may expose other citizens to risk without their consent.
ARTICLE 3 – As a sequitur of Article 2, we deny that the state has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and of the fruits of their labour, and to impose or forbid behaviours other than aggressions against another person or his property.
ARTICLE 4 – As the state is not an individual, the state has no rights whatsoever. The state has only duties and responsibilities, and it is always the servant of the citizen, whereas the citizen is never the servant of the state. In this constitution, ?state? refers to any government, in whole or in part, whether local, national, or trans-national.
ARTICLE 5 – Based on the above principles, we support:
5.1 – The right to peaceful existence. Accordingly, we actively support the prohibition of the initiation of propaganda by the state or the initiation of physical force by anyone against others. However, the use of physical force is legitimate when in defence of rights, freedom and property.
5.2 – The right to liberty of speech and action. Accordingly, we actively support unabridged freedom of speech and press, and oppose censorship and information ?piloting? in any form.
5.3 – The right of advertisement, free expression and promotion. We actively support the freedom to advertise, free expression and the promotion of industries, individuals, groups of individuals or ideas whether or not they are considered ?incorrect?, ?unhealthy?, or even ?dangerous? by the state or even by the majority or people, as these are a rights, thus not subject to democratic rules.
Accordingly, we actively oppose all attempts by government or third parties to regulate or forbid advertisement and promotion of legal products and legal behaviours considered “unhealthy” or “dangerous” or “immoral” by the state.
5.4 – The right to property. We actively support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud, and misrepresentation, and accordingly, we actively oppose all government and third party interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain.
5.5 – The right to choose, and to act consequently. Accordingly, we actively support the principle that no one is to be discriminated against, segregated, punished, or directly or indirectly taxed by the government for what he chooses to believe or not believe, and thus for the way of life which is consequential to those convictions, so long as that way of life does not bring clear and present harm to others. From this article 5.5 stems article:
5.6 – The right to lifestyle. Accordingly, we actively support the right of the consenting adult to whatever lifestyle or habits he or she chooses, including smoking, drinking, dietary or sexual habits, or the use of drugs. We assert the individual?s ownership of his body, and the right that follows from this to manage and control his own physical life and health.
5.7 – The right to parenthood. We actively support the right of parents to be parents, imparting their values, experience and perspectives on the world to their children. Accordingly, we oppose government or third party interference in schools or elsewhere to indoctrinate youth with lifestyles, behaviours and/or other state values which may be in conflict with values held by the families or churches to which those youth may belong. Furthermore, we actively oppose any governmental attempt to influence the choices of the youth either openly or disguised as ?public health education? or through other means of propaganda, as such instruction is solely the right, function, and duty of the parents or those performing parental functions. The primary function of schools is to be academic, not political. The protection of children from harm under criminal and civil law, a legitimate function of government, is abused when government extends its powers past the bounds of its proper function. [1]
5.8 – The ownership of physical life. Accordingly, we actively oppose all attempts by government and other parties to mandate, forbid, and regulate the managing of one?s own physical life. This applies regardless of the soundness of any moral principle and/or scientific reality.
Since governments must not violate the above rights, we actively oppose interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced to sacrifice their lives, property and lifestyle for the benefit of others. They should be left free, without government interference, to deal with one another as free traders; to establish and select their lifestyles as they see fit; to raise and educate their children as they see fit; to attempt to prolong or terminate their life as they see fit; and to produce, promote and consume intellectual and physical products as they see fit. The resulting socio-economic system is the only one compatible with the protection of individual rights, human growth and natural social coherence, stability and diversity: the free market of economy, values, lifestyles and ideas.
ARTICLE 6 – As governments cannot interfere with the social, economic, and value systems of the citizens, public policies must also be kept to the essential, and never be based on indemonstrable ?facts? or group opinions, even when those groups claim to act in the public interest. Specifically, in the areas of public health, environment and safety, public policy cannot be based on arguable science which is not conducted according to the stringent rules of the Scientific Method. Any warning, campaign, obligation or prohibition based on group opinion or indemonstrable science is to be disregarded and responded to with civil disobedience, as it is construed as a clear violation of the individual rights above, and as an attempt to impose the behaviour of the few on the many or vice versa.”
ARTICLE 7 – Finally, tax monies and government power cannot be used to protect people from themselves, as is the case when target groups are taxed to finance propaganda against themselves and their own choices, values and lifestyles, which is contrary not only to personal liberty but also to moral law. Taxation of products purchased by citizens must not be selectively used to ?pilot? the lifestyle choices of individuals, as is done, for example, with cigarettes.
Furthermore, we support that no taxation levied on a group of citizens be used by the state or by another group of citizens against the taxed group ? specifically to persuade, dissuade, control, or otherwise condition any belief or lack of belief, or to curb the way of life that is consequential to the convictions held by the targeted group.
ARTICLE 8 – Based on all of the above, we specifically reject the Precautionary Principle as an immoral and unlawful abuse of state power, as it justifies prohibition, regulation, taxation and propaganda on the basis of suspicion and opinion rather than science and justice, and furthermore it reverses the burden of proof on the accused. [2]
[1] The forced drugging of schoolchildren is a notorious example of this in recent years
[2] See Statements, (3, XII)