Anti never stops. Another Californian extension of the smoker pogrom, in Santa Cruz, is explained in article linked with below.

“There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke indoors or outdoors,” parrots a local Nazi. The growth of panic and oppression in Santa Cruz is typical for California and much of the USA now. As always, this pogrom extension presages the next extension, and the next, on and on till violent reaction comes, if ever it comes.

Our readers know there are places in California where it’s already illegal to smoke in one’s own home, and that as California goes with regard to eliminating smokers, so goes the nation. If you reside in the USA, you can smoke and live as a hunted criminal, or prepare now to get out of the country.

Anti will of course follow you just about anywhere you choose to go but obedience and enforcement will vary from one country to the other. US smokers are particularly docile. US Nazis are particularly powerful and therefore potently intent on destroying you. Brush up on your elusive skills one way or another.



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