New York judge rules that vaping is not smoking

A New York judge handed a victory to <g class="gr_ gr_9 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="9" data-gr-id="9"><g class="gr_ gr_9 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="9" data-gr-id="9">vapers</g></g> Feb. 5, declaring vaping is not the same as smoking and e-cigarette use is not necessarily banned in all the same places as smoking.<br />
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&ldquo;An electronic cigarette neither burns nor contains tobacco,&rdquo; said the court. &ldquo;Instead, the use of such a device, which is commonly referred to as &lsquo;vaping,&rsquo; involves the inhalation of vaporized e-cigarette liquid consisting of water, nicotine, a base of propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin and occasionally, flavoring.&rdquo;<br />
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The issue was brought to the court in the case of People v. <g class="gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="11" data-gr-id="11">Thomas,</g> after <g class="gr_ gr_13 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="13" data-gr-id="13">vaper</g> Shawn Thomas was issued a citation on the subway and subsequently challenged the citation in cou

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is a vape Champion

&quot;Hunter has pushed legislation to protect the growing industry and made headlines this week when he puffed from an e-cigarette during a congressional hearing.<br />
The FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act, which Hunter is co-sponsoring, would roll back those proposed restrictions.&quot;<br />
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We should all support Rep. Duncan Hunter in his endeavour to continue to fight the FDA deeming regulations.<br type="_moz" />


Why is the CDC lying about the Hawaiian Study on teen vaping?&nbsp; Insight by Jacob Scullum.<br type="_moz" />