
If you live in Kentucky and want to stop the smoking bans here is an organization to contact: <a href="">American Smokers Party</a><br type="_moz" />

Canada and ASH

<p><i>EDMONTON – Decent and well-meaning Edmonton city councillors believe they will be doing what is right and good when they vote on Wednesday to beef up our smoking bylaw. The change will prohibit smoking next to playgrounds, soccer fields and skateboard and spray parks.</i></p>
<p><i>But councillors need to reconsider their enthusiasm for this unnecessary, overly intrusive regulation of private individuals.</i></p>

Phase Two

<p>Obesity adds more to health care costs than smoking does, reports a study in the March <em>Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine</em>, official publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).<br />
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No one is safe from Big Pharma and their health nannies.&nbsp; Phase Three is alcohol.</p>

Indiana Bars Fight Back

Two legal actions have been filed in court against the City of Evansville, both trying to stop the newly passed smoking ban which takes effect April first. Opponents who run some private clubs, bars and taverns say the ban violates their rights.<br />
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Both complaints state the ban violates 1st and 14th amendment rights. <br />
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Go get them!<br type="_moz" />

St Louis

St. The Louis County&rsquo;s health department is launching a media campaign costing more than a quarter million dollars aimed at the exemptions currently provided by the county&rsquo;s smoking ban.&nbsp; They say they aren&rsquo;t allowed to lobby for legislation, but concede this sounds a lot like a political campaign.<br />
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If it sounds like a political campaign, it is a political campaign. &nbsp; There are 148 exemptions in St. Louis and the Health Department just can’t stand the thought that people can actually smoke indoors.&nbsp; No one is forcing anyone from going in or working in these bars.&nbsp; The very workers that the Health Department says they want to protect are the very workers who will be out of a job!

Belmont Kalifornia

In Belmont, California it is now illegal to smoke in your own home. One woman who immigrated from Germany is fighting back, where are the rest of you? <br />
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We are going to quote one person who commented on this YouTube video.<br />
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<i>&quot;In Belmont, Calif. It is now illegal to smoke in your own home and, as John Blackstone reports, the new law has angered one woman who’s now on a mission. Under the Nazi’s the Bureau Against the Dangers of Alcohol and Tobacco was established in 1939 followed in 1942 by the Institute for the Struggle against the dangers of Tobacco. Nazi’s were the first to coin the term &quot;passive smoking&quot; Under the Nazi regime the German people had imposed on them the most comprehensive set of tobacco regulations and restrictions seen in any modern nation to that date. Hitler himself took particular interest in this area often personally overseeing the drafting and implementation of anti smoking policy. This is not about smoking, it’s about people’s rights. This opens the door for the government to get inside your home.&nbsp; This is just the start!&quot;<br />
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The agreed-upon smoking ban exempted bars and taverns, gaming facilities, tobacco shops and private clubs. House author Eric Turner said although he would have liked a stronger ban, he&rsquo;s happy with the result.&nbsp; The law has yet to be signed by the Governor.<br />
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The American Cancer Society isn’t happy with the bill, so they will be back next year stronger than ever to close these exemptions &quot;for the sake of the workers&quot; .<br />
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Myrtle Beach, SC

<p>MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) Flanked by cities to the North and South with sweeping smoking bans, restaurants and bars in Myrtle Beach are now considering the impact of a smoking ban in their city.<br />
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Don’t be a foolish City Council the smokers are coming to your bars and restaurants, since you are surrounded by smokeless areas.&nbsp; Summer is around the corner you don’t want to be loosing business.</p>

When Are They Going To Learn?

<p>Proponents of the statewide smoking ban approved by the 2010 Kansas Legislature said businesses would not be appreciably harmed by the ban.</p>
<p>But a growing body of evidence and experience from Kansas and other states shows they were wrong.<br />
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How many states will succumb to the complete and total lies that are coming from Cancer, Heart and Lung Association that smoking is good for business?&nbsp; They are not, they never have been and they never will be.&nbsp; People will just have parties at home, the’s same as they did in the 60 and 70’s when a lot of people were smoking other things that were not tobacco.<br />
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If your city, town, county is contemplating a smoking ban contact us and we will give you information to fight these bans. </p>