Global Taxation

<p>What&rsquo;s the worst policy idea that would cause the most damage to society?</p>
<p>I&rsquo;m tempted to say the <a href="">value-added tax</a> since our hopes of restraining the federal government will be greatly undermined if we give the buffoons in Washington a new source of revenue.<br />
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This is one giant bag of worms that we should all be watching very carefully.</p>


Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard won’t take action on smoking ban this week.&nbsp; Ballard has said he likely will veto the proposed ordinance. His quibble is with a provision that would force exempted private clubs and veterans’ halls to choose between retaining smoking or allowing children anywhere on the premises.<br />
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He should not be signing this bill period!

Springfield, Mo.

<p>Opponents of the expanded smoking ban that took effect in June say they&rsquo;ve gathered more than enough signatures to put a repeal of the ordinance before Springfield voters.<br />
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The group Live Free Springfield, which campaigned against the smoking ban before it was passed in April, has been circulating petitions seeking a repeal since November.</p>
<p>&ldquo;As of right now we have over 4,000 signatures,&rdquo; said spokesman Dave Myers. &ldquo;That shows a lot of support from a lot of people that are really seeing the effects of this ban.&rdquo;</p>


Proposed bylaw amendments would see smoking prohibited on city properties such as parks, beaches, sports fields and areas outside municipal facilities, as well as bar and restaurant patios.<br />
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The issue is to go before the city&rsquo;s board of health on Monday. Following consideration by the board, the proposed bylaw amendments are to go to council&rsquo;s community and protective services committee on Feb. 15, and council on Feb. 22.
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If you smoke in Ottowa you better start emailing/calling the City Council<br />
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The French are largely ignoring their smoking ban which is five years old.&nbsp; People have begun to smoke in their offices and at restaurants. Viva the French!

Sugar Is Toxic

<p class="first">Sugar is so toxic that it should be taxed and slapped with regulations like alcohol, some U.S. researchers argue.</p>
<p>In a <b>commentary</b> published in Wednesday’s issue of the journal Nature, doctors from the University of California, San Francisco, say that rising global rates of major killers such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes aren&rsquo;t caused by obesity as commonly thought.<br />
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Note: there is no study or documentation to support this new claim.&nbsp; The heath nannies are so heady with thier successful campaign against smokers, they have no boundries now.&nbsp; These people must be dethrowned and put back in thier place.</p>

The Netherlands

<p>In the Netherlands, politicians are being accused of allowing the powerful tobacco lobby to exercise undue influence over smoking policy.</p>
<p>In recent years while most countries have been tightening anti-smoking legislation, the Netherlands has partially reversed some of its laws – allowing people to smoke in some bars again and cutting funding for anti-smoking organisations.<br />
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Big Tobacco didn’t change the law, the people did.&nbsp; Small bars and cafe’s united against the smoking ban, if the people don’t want a ban, there isn’t a ban.&nbsp; Many politicians believe that people should be free to choose if they want to smoke or not (what a novel idea – freedom).&nbsp; This indeed is an enlightened country.</p>