97 Year Old Woman Faces Eviction for Smoking

<p>Florida – The Lakes at Pointe West has told her she will be evicted if she doesn’t stop smoking inside her one-bedroom apartment. She has lived there since 2005.</p>
<p>Smoking wasn’t an issue when she moved in &mdash; they knew of her habit. However, three years ago, the facility implemented a smoke-free policy.<br />
<br />
It is now in the hands of corporate attorneys.&nbsp; <br />
<br />
This is one battle the anti’s won’t win.&nbsp; She is 97 years old and has smoked since she was 20.&nbsp; They can just toss out their junk science and behavior modification program because in the court of public opinion she wins.</p>

St Louis

<div>St. Louis County’s health director, Dr. Dolores Gunn, said Thursday that an anti-smoking organization had broken no tax law in its use of federal grant money.<br />
<div>The organization, Tobacco Free St. Louis, is using $545,148 from a federal stimulus grant for anti-smoking efforts.<br />
<div>We disagree with Dr. Gunn…. here is a quote from <!–[if gte mso 9]><xml>
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mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">Stacy Reliford, field government relations director for the American Cancer Society. She assures us that the organization tracks its lobbying expenditures closely — and that the O’Fallon expenditure was within the limits. &quot;As you know, we’re a large organization, not a tiny non-profit,&quot; she says. &quot;We’re within 100 percent of our legal limits.&quot; <br />
<br />
She adds, &quot;Frankly, if we weren’t involved, it would be a disservice to our constituency. Working for ballot measures like this one is an important piece of what we do.&quot;<br style="mso-special-character:line-break" />
<br style="mso-special-character:line-break" />

Nut Job

Just a month after David Schuman won the right to appeal his secondhand smoke case in court, a new anti-smoking movement is emerging in Greenbelt.<br />
<br />
On Nov. 3, 2011, <a href="http://greenbelt.patch.com/articles/secondhand-smoke-ruling-may-set-precedent">GHI won a court case</a> brought against it and a neighbor of David S. Schuman. In the complaint, co-op member Shuman stated that his neighbor&rsquo;s secondhand smoke created a nuisance that GHI failed to solve in accordance with his MOC.<br />
<br />
This guy is a nuisance, get rid of him.<br />
<br />

Cape May

<p>CAPE MAY- While City Council will continue to study the issue of banning smoking on Cape May&rsquo;s beaches, beachgoers will be able to puff away this summer.<br />
<br />
When you go on vacation this summer make sure you go to smoking friendly places, otherwise why leave home?</p>

Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach City Council has passed a smoking ban which will be effective March 7, 2012.&nbsp; That really is unfortunate but you can go to surrounding areas and still smoke.&nbsp; E-cigarettes are not part of the smoking ban.<br type="_moz" />

Alcohol Prohibition?

<p class="standfirst">UK – Health minister Anne Milton has called for alcoholic drinks in the UK to be watered down as part of government efforts to tackle binge drinking.<br />
<br />
Ministers are now hoping for a voluntary agreement from the drinks industry to water down their products.<br />
<br />
If this gains momentum don’t be surprised to see this coming across the pond.&nbsp; The World Health Organization has had tobacco, alcohol and fatty food in their cross hairs for decades.&nbsp; Welcome to the brave new world as the health police see it.</p>

Major Anti Campaign

There is legislation in almost every state to prohibit smoking in cars with children under 18.&nbsp;&nbsp; The anti’s just can’t stop themselves from stamping out tobacco everywhere.&nbsp;&nbsp; They will find a way to get into your home, if you have children, it is only a matter of time.<br />
<br />
In the 70’s there was a major movement, through the schools, to report parents who smoked marijuana at home.&nbsp; Children did report their parents because they had no idea of the consequences.&nbsp; Many children were removed from their home and placed in foster care.&nbsp; <br />
<br />
It is a safe assumption that this will be a new avenue for the anti-movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />

Smoking Bans Are Not Effective

<p>People quit smoking for all sorts of reasons, most often because of health concerns, either their own or those of loved ones. Smokers know their habit isn&rsquo;t healthy. But outlawing a legal activity isn&rsquo;t as much of a deterrent as some might like to believe.</p>
<p>It just turns ordinary citizens into pariahs, &ldquo;socially unacceptable&rdquo; and condemned for their habit while others practice their own distasteful &ndash;&ndash; and potentially dangerous &ndash;&ndash; habits without the scorn of friends, family and even strangers.</p>

Resistance in Wisconsin

In Burnett County, Wisconsin, there’s a battle of the butts going on cigarette butts, that is.&nbsp; The owner of the Midtown Tavern <br />
tells newcomers: &ldquo;I hope you guys don’t mind smoking. I do allow smoking in the bar.&rdquo;<br />
<br />
The owner of the bar said that since the smoking ban took effect in July 2010 law enforcers have fined him twice — both times because someone complained. He paid hundreds of dollars, but he continues to allow the smoking, he says, because enforcing the ban hurt his business by as much as 20 percent.<br />
<br />
Another example that proves smoking bans are not good for business.&nbsp; Civil disobedience is not new in this country, it has worked in the past and will work again.&nbsp; Don’t like the ban, defy it.<br />