Europeans have not taken to smoking bans, the result is that many countries have backtracked on the ban. Smoking is allowed in France, <a href="">Netherlands</a>, <a href="">Germany</a>, <a href="">Croatia</a>, <a href="">Portugal</a>, <a href="">Belgium</a>, <a href="">Denmark</a>, <a href="">Macedonia</a>, <a href="">Poland</a>, the <a href="">Czech Republic</a> and several other countries relaxed their smoking bans (or introduced limited bans from the outset). <br />
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While smokers in the US and Canada sit back and take whatever smoking ban is passed with barely a whimper, it is a pleasure to know others are not. <br />
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Change can come but you have to do something first. Let’s hope our friends "across the pond" influence the people of North America to start standing up for themselves.<br />
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