Another Anti Trick

The Anti’s will say they don’t care if you smoke just not inside or outside near them. A new tactic,&nbsp; Scotland is imposing a new tax on retailers who sell tobacco and alcohol. &nbsp; The tax will be imposed via a business rates supplement on retailers with a rateable value of &pound;300,000 or more.<br />
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In case you haven’t noticed we are in a global recession, more taxes on retailers closes businesses and creates unemployment. Duh!<br />
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Radiation in Cigarettes

According to an ABC news report polonium-210 is in tobacco.&nbsp; The tobacco companies could remove this substance by &quot;acid washing&quot; the tobacco leaves but have chosen not to.<br />
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A spokesperson for Phillip Morris, David Sutton said that&nbsp; &quot;Polonium 210 is a naturally occurring element found in the air, soil, and water and therefore can be found in plants, including tobacco&quot;.<br />
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The tobacco companies should remove this from tobacco, however, if it is in the soil, air and water what is the government doing about it?&nbsp;<br />
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Guns Or Pot Not Both

In Washington State medical marijuana is legal but the state has decided if you smoke pot you can’t own a gun.<br />
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The Bureau of Explosives, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms left little doubt how it feels about selling guns to legal marijuana&nbsp;users.
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<p>&quot;…any person who uses or is addicted to marijuana, regardless of whether his or her state has passed legislation authorizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes, is an unlawful use of or addicted to a controlled substance and is prohibited by federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition,&quot; wrote Arthur Herbert, the bureau’s assistant director for enforcement programs and&nbsp;services&quot;.<br />
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Not sure I see the correlation.</p>
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Denmark’s Fat TAX

Ten percent of Danes are obese, so their government has decided to impose a &quot;fat&quot; tax.&nbsp;
<p>Starting from this Saturday, Danes will pay an extra 30p on each pack of butter, 8p on a pack of crisps, and an extra 13p on a pound of mince, as a result of the tax.</p>
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<p>The tax is expected to raise about 2.2bn Danish Krone (&pound;140m), and cut consumption of saturated fat by close to 10pc, and butter consumption by 15pc.<br />
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Tax consumer products here haven’t worked, don’t know why they think it will tear.</p>
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South Carolina

The CDC awarded a $4.6 million grant to South Carolina, which does not have a statewide smoking ban.&nbsp; South Carolina&nbsp; will use the federal cash to support a statewide effort aimed at reducing death and disability stemming from tobacco use, heart disease and stroke.<br />
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Your tax dollars at work.&nbsp; The Anti’s are working hard to make sure there isn’t a state that doesn’t have a <span class="st"> draconian </span>smoking ban.&nbsp; Choice is not acceptable.<br type="_moz" />

Second-hand Marijuana Smoke

Boxer heavyweight Dave Herman proved positive for marijuana.&nbsp; Mr. Herman said that everyone smokes Marijuana in California, including people around him.&nbsp; Is it a case of second hand marijuana smoker or?&nbsp; Hmmm?


The Virginia Tobacco Commission, the state body charged with spending the states share of a 1998 settlement against tobacco companies, formally gave $25 million of tobacco money, to the development of a medical school here Wednesday.<br />
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At least they didn’t use it for lawn on a ritzy golf course.<br />

More Discrimination

Atlanta, Georgia.&nbsp; More and more companies in Altanta are adopting a policy of not hiring smokers.&nbsp; They actually ask and will test to find out if you smoke or not.<br />
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There are 45 to 50 million smokers in this country, why hasn’t the ACLU or a law firm taken this up with a class action suit?&nbsp; Half of the states have laws to protect smokers and others against hiring discrimination.&nbsp; While they use the excuse that smokers raise the cost of health insurance the real number is 5%, and that is just a maybe not a definite increase.<br />

Junk Food

Health nannies see junk food as the &quot;new frontier&quot; to ban or tax.&nbsp; The question is why do we eat junk food, we eat it because it tastes good.&nbsp; Why are the health nannies starting a &quot;war on junk food&quot; because we are a fat nation.&nbsp; Obesity along with tobacco cannot be tolerated in this current era of heath fascism.<br />
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Not quite a war yet but creeping along is a campaign against liquor. One more item legal item to tax to the hilt.&nbsp; We say enough, raise taxes across the board and stop telling us what we can and cannot do. Who’s life it is anyway?<br />
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Boise, Idaho

<p>When the Boise, Idaho city council considers a new city ordinance tomorrow that would prohibit smoking in more public places than are currently included in the state ban, they should consider the rationale behind the proposal as well as the consequences, suggested the International Premium Cigar &amp; Pipe Retailers Association.</p>