
Stay away from Jim Lamb in Pheoniz.&nbsp; He wants every smoker to put a sign on their door saying that they smoke.&nbsp; I wonder what this elder is smoking, or maybe he is on his way to senility.&nbsp; Guess he never heard&nbsp; &quot;it’s none of your business&quot; or &quot;your home is your castle&quot;.<br type="_moz" />


<i>Nova Scotia: The government announced Thursday it would join other provinces that are taking legal action against the tobacco industry in an attempt to recover health-care costs due to smoking.&nbsp; They are seeking a lawfirm to take their case on a contingency basis.</i><br />
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<i>Icelandis considering banning the sale of cigarettes and making them a prescription-only product.</i>
<p><i>The parliament in Reykjavik is to debate a proposal that would outlaw the sale of cigarettes in normal shops. Only pharmacies would be allowed to dispense them &ndash; initially to those aged 20 and up, and eventually only to those with a valid medical certificate.</i></p>
That doesn’t mean this idea will go anywhere except being on a &quot;bucket list&quot; for Anti’s.&nbsp; We all know a doctor is not going to prescribe tobacco but he will prescribe smoking cessation devices.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />

Parents Quit Smoking Before Child Has Surgery

According to the Mayo Clinic parents who smoke are more likely to quit if their child goes through surgery, a study shows. They worry about the effect secondhand smoke will have on the child as he or she recovers.<br />
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The Anti’s have everyone so scared they have lost common sense.&nbsp; Generations of Americans have had surgery, including children in smoking households with little to none health effects.<br type="_moz" />