
Belgium’s smoking ban began July 1st with mixed reaction.&nbsp; A younger woman being interviewed by the BBC, believes it will close down many disco’s but won’t effect restaurants in the summer when people can sit outside.&nbsp; <br />
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Smoking bans are bad for business, when are they going to learn?<br type="_moz" />


The Chicago Tobacco Prevention Project is awarding grants to several housing organizations to encourage the adoption of smoke-free policies in apartment and condos in Chicago.<br />
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These people never quit, now they are invading your privacy in the home you pay the mortgage/rent.&nbsp; Enough!&nbsp; One’s personal space should be untouchable!&nbsp; If you allow them in then what else will they do? Check your liquor cabinet or see if their are any sweets, soda or salt?<br type="_moz" />

Winery Owners

Winery owners are complaining that the Federal Government is taking too long to approve wine labels.&nbsp; <br />
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Gee, that’s too bad but they don’t have to put graphic labels of liver damage or photo’s of gruesome car accidents, do they?<br type="_moz" />

Not Nice

New Hampshire lowered their tax on tobacco by 10 cents a pack.&nbsp; The tobacco companies raised the price of cigarettes by 9 cents a pack. Not nice Lorillard, RJ Reynolds and Altria Group,


Tom Weaver, of the StarTribune is proposing a $1.50 tax on each pack of cigarettes to balance the state’s budget.<br />
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It is always easy to tax the next guy on a product you don’t use.&nbsp; Why not a 1.50 tax on a can of beer, or wine?&nbsp; Smokers better start phoning your legislators.<br type="_moz" />

Denver Amnesty

<p>Governor <span class="xn-person">John Hickenlooper</span> of <span class="xn-location">Colorado</span> signed into law Senate Bill 184 establishing a tax amnesty program (&quot;Program&quot;) under which the Colorado Department of Revenue (&quot;Department&quot;) may waive penalties and abate interest on eligible delinquent taxes. The Program will apply to the following taxes: corporate income tax, individual income tax, sales and use tax, gasoline and special fuel tax, cigarette tax, <b>tobacco products tax</b>, severance tax, and certain local taxes collected by the Department. Amnesty is limited to reports prior to <span class="xn-chron">December 31, 2010</span>.</p>

Texas Smoking Ban Dead Again

<span>Texas lawmakers crushed a proposal that would ban smoking in nearly all indoor public places, the <i>Brownsville Herald</i> reports. Both legislative houses did not vote on the measure when their special session ended last week. <br />
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We think this dead for this year.<br type="_moz" />

Seattle, WA

Roll your own stores are popping up all over the Seattle area.&nbsp; The cost of a carton of cigarettes is $34.00, which is cheap compared to purchasing from a retail store.<br />
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The health nannies are up in arms about people being allowed to purchase cheaper cigarettes.&nbsp; Too bad.<br type="_moz" />

More Complaints Against Ash

From Spiked on line, ASH contacted one of their writers to tell them that a study that was being released by Privacy International was paid for by tobacco.&nbsp; In other words it wasn’t worth the read.&nbsp; ASH again failed to mention all the money they have taken from Big Pharma.&nbsp; ASH just can’t bear the fact that there is another side of the smoking debate, not just theirs!<br />
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State Sen. Joe Hune, R-Whitmore Lake, has introduced two bills: one to reduce the tax on liquor, which already passed the Senate and the second one is to cut the tax on cigarettes by $1.00.<br />
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We like this guy, way to go Sen. Hune!<br />