Victory in Nevada

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has signed a bill into law which allows for smoking in establishments that serve both food and alcohol.  The  detrimental effect of smoking bans on such small businesses is what ultimatley compelled Governor Sandoval and  Nevada officials to defy the powerful, special interest influence of anti-tobacco.

Hiring Smokers

Twenty nine states plus the District of Columbia have what are often called smokers&rsquo; rights or smoking protection laws.&nbsp; Why do we have these laws because legislators in 29 states don&rsquo;t want to prohibit off-duty conduct that is legal. <br />
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As long as tobacco and alcohol are legal there shouldn’t be any discrimination against people who are not doing anything illegal, nor should obese individuals be penalized.&nbsp; Without it the health nannies could branch out to high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, cancer or any other disease that would cost the companies more money for health care coverage.&nbsp; <br />
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This legislation should be in all 50 states, not just 29.


A statewide smoking ban is being proposed in Alabama. The same enemy and the same ridiculous claims are being made by the usual group, Cancer, Heart and Lung Associations.&nbsp; The same tired SG’s reports are being used which have been criticized by many scientists and disproved by The Rand Study (you can find it under our Scientific Portal).<br />
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If you live in Alabama start phoning your <a href="">state legislators</a>.<br type="_moz" />

They Are Relentless

Springfield, MO smoking ban just came into effect and now the state legislators are trying to increase the tax on cigarettes by $1.00 a pack which is being lobbied by the American Cancer Society.&nbsp; <br />
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Smokers if you don’t stand up for yourselves no one else is going too.<br type="_moz" />


Gov. Jindal did not sign the bill to raise tobacco tax by four cents a pack.&nbsp; Legislators are trying to override his veto but that hasn’t happened in Louisiana in 18 years.<br />
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The American Cancer Society is having a snit fit over this insurrection of the Governor and is apparently actively lobbying.&nbsp; IRS regulations forbid a 501(C) from influencing legislation but they apparently think the rules don’t apply for them.

Trashing ASH in Scotland

<a href="">An article of Simon Clark’s.</a>&nbsp; Most of the European Countries have taken a middle road when it comes to smoking with the exception of the England, Ireland and Scotland.&nbsp;
<p>Thousands of pubs and clubs, many more bar staff, and hundreds of local communities, the smoking ban has been a disaster. ASH continues to claim that the smoking ban had no impact on the economy and they are government funded with a staff of 30.<br />
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ASH and others like them would disappear if your cigarette tax money would stop funding them.&nbsp; It is time to put an end to ASH as they have done in the Netherlands.</p>
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Glendale, Arizona

Glendale wants businesses to provide designated smoking areas for their employees who light up.&quot;This will keep smokers on the property and out of neighborhoods,&quot; Ritz said. Vice Mayor Steve Frate told <i>The Republic </i>the recommended requirement is a &quot;step in the right direction.&quot;

ASH funding Slashed in Holland

The Dutch cabinet decided on Friday to slash the budget of ASH and any other anti-smoking organization because they believe the people have a right to make lifestyle choices.&nbsp; How refreshing!&nbsp; We hope this trend spreads though Europe and then back across the pond to America, where we are being bombarded by the health nannies.<br type="_moz" />

DeKalb County, GA

DeKalb Country is trying to impose a draconian smoking ban which would include inside and outside smoking. DeKalb&rsquo;s Clean Indoor Ordinance received 3 million dollars from the Federal Government to lobby for this legislation.<br />
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This is what they are doing with the taxes you pay for cigarettes– hiring lobbyist to make you quit.&nbsp; That is way too much government interference.<br />

Lies from Louisville

&quot;Louisville&rsquo;s Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness (LMDPHAW) is still peddling its favorite brand of junk science, and has posted a colorful brochure on its website, warning of the imagined dangers of second-hand smoke (called ETS, for Environmental Tobacco Smoke)&quot;.&nbsp;