Johnson & Johnson

<span style="line-height: 115%;">Johnson and Johnson, whose foundation is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation the leader of anti-smoking legislation and smoking bans, has had over 50 products removed from the shelves in the past 15 months.&nbsp; </span>

Famous Dr. Ioannidis Questions Research

&quot;Greek doctor John Ioannidis has based his career on exposing the untrustworthy nature of medical research, and it has made him one of the most celebrated medical scientists in the world. Indeed, Ioannidis worries that the medical research system is so broken that it cannot ever be fixed&quot;.<br />
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CDC Lobbying?

The CDC under&nbsp; &quot;Dr. Thomas Frieden, the controversial former New York City Health Commissioner who made your lifestyle choices his business.&quot;&nbsp; Has now been given a multi-million dollar budget to push his personal agenda which has never been approved by Congress.<br />
<br />

Egyptian Mummy

&quot;The first known case of clogged arteries, or atherosclerosis, has been found in the mummy of an Egyptian princess, said a study presented Sunday at a major US cardiology conference.&quot;&nbsp; Researchers scanned 52 mummies of which 44 had clogged arteries.&nbsp;&nbsp; So much for the&quot; theory&quot; that smoking and or ETS causes clogged arteries!<br />


Hoosier should keep their eye on HB 1018 which would ban smoking in all areas.&nbsp; This articles indicates there is an opposing group but doesn’t mention their name. Anti’s can’t handle an opposing view.<br type="_moz" />

Sin Tax on Meat

PETA wants a sin tax on meat, eggs and dairy products. PETA wants everyone to become a vegetarian, which is according to them a healthier diet.&nbsp; <br type="_moz" />


&quot;A controversial proposal to increase certain tobacco taxes in Hawaii is running headlong against individual constituent interests, says the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association&quot;.&nbsp; Almost every state has bills to increase taxes<br />
on tobacco.&nbsp; Check your State Legislator or General Assembly to see what is proposing in your state.<br />