First, Do No Harm

FORCES Columnist Andrew Phillips comments on a <a href="">recent inciden</a>t that occurred in Dallas, TX, where a physician allegedly attempted to run a smoker over with his car.

Tobacco Settlement

How have states spent the 75 billion dollars received from the Master Tobacco Agreement?&nbsp; Balancing their state budgets and other things.<br type="_moz" />

New Hampshire

A new study funded by Tobacco Free Kids disputes the claims made by The Retail Grocers Association.&nbsp; They are debating the tax decrease of tobacco tax.&nbsp; Tobacco Free Kids is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who’s parent company is Johnson and Johnson they produce an entire product line of smoking cessation devices.&nbsp; Surely, a conflict of interest.<br type="_moz" />

NY Double Talk

Smoking in condo’s is the new hot button in New York. &quot;It’s not a question of whether you can smoke in your apartment,&quot; says Talel. &quot;Of course you can smoke in your own apartment. But when your smoke goes into a neighbor’s apartment, then you are smoking in your neighbor’s apartment, and your neighbor has a right to not have smoking taking place in their apartment.&quot;<br />
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Where is the proof that smoke goes into some one ele’s apartment?&nbsp; Note: not one condo board has placed restrictions, nor should they.<br type="_moz" />


The Virginia Wholesalers and Distributors Association is the statewide business trade group representing food, beverage and tobacco wholesalers in Virginia are against raising tobacco taxes.&nbsp; They are against new taxes because it leads adults to purchase cigarettes from the Internet or adjoining states.&nbsp; It also leads to contraband traffic.<br />

Growing Your Own

As &quot;sin&quot; taxes are being imposed to cover the bloated tax and spend agenda of State coffers, people are beginning to grow their own tobacco.<br />
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Twenty tobacco plants will yield more than a pack a day of cigarettes for a year.&nbsp; Start growing them in your own backyard and free yourself from &quot;sin&quot; taxes!<br type="_moz" />