Do not smoke the 15th cigarette

&quot;<b>A small-cell lung cancer genome with complex signatures of tobacco exposure</b>&quot; is the title of a study from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge,&nbsp; published online by <a href="">nature&nbsp;</a> on 16 December 2009. <br />
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It sounds like Sherlock Holmes finding the fingerprints of the murderer.<br type="_moz" />

Quitting Smoking Causes Diabetes

A research published in the US this week found that <b>QUITTING</b> smoking resulted in a <b>70% increased risk </b>of developing Type 2 diabetes.<br />
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Junk science is junk science whichever way it points. The stark contrast here is that you won’t be seeing this particular information broadcast as a public health message on the front page of your national newspapers, Government TV adverts or billboard posters.<br />
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Vive La France

Throughout the developed world we are told that smoking bans are popular yet anywhere that choice is tolerated in any form we see that statement for the pure propaganda that it is.<br type="_moz" />

Back To Alcohol

Despite the fact that problems associated with alcohol are no worse than they have ever been since China started drinking some 5000 years ago, the modern healthist despots would have us believe that there is an &quot;epidemic&quot; of binge drinking and drink related problems that needs controlling.&nbsp; Here we see again the key word of modern politics – &quot;CONTROL&quot;.<br type="_moz" />

Grilled ASH

In 1990 the UK Government Select Committee on Environment held an enquiry into the alleged dangers of passive smoke. Anti smoking group ASH UK attempted to solicit private meetings with the committee members prior to the hearing and also suggested, in a letter to committee members, questions that should be asked that were designed to discredit their opposition.<br type="_moz" />

Smoking is Cool

<font face="Arial" size="2">Think what you may about Lindsay Lohan. But get one thing straight – smoking is cool. It’s always been cool. Today it’s cool. Tomorrow it will be cool too. Enjoy this short video, which intertwines fine photography, an erotic theme and above all smoking. <br />
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Smoking is cool, really cool.</font>

Bully State

The Bully State is a book published by the Free Society which is now available for review in the Forces International library:<br />
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Brian Monteith, a former member of the Scottish Parliament, reveals how the nanny state came to be and why, unsatisfied with our stubborn resistance to her pleas to change our behaviour, the bully state has been brought in to enforce a stricter code of conduct.<br />
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Despite this, Monteith remains optimistic, explaining how we can beat the bullies and remain free to enjoy our liberty.<br />
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