Hoax Leaves Hunger in Its Wake

<div style="text-align: justify">An offspring of the secondhand smoke scam, the global warming hoax, unlike its single issue progenitor, is a hydra whose multiple heads chomp down a plethora of&nbsp; personal behaviors the social engineers hate.</div>

Another good article from Canada

<div style="text-align: justify">&ldquo;The futile war on smoking&rdquo; by John Robson, published by the Ottawa Citizen highlights very well the reasons why smoking is no longer declining. People <b>want</b> to smoke, and they consider the <a href="https://www.forces.org/Scientific_Portal/category.php?section=34">real benefits of smoking</a> to be greater than the never demonstrated dangers.</div>

Life in the Hive

<div style="text-align: justify">The quest to homogenize the masses while eradicating national cultures reaches a fever pitch in the European Union.&nbsp; Sexual allure is now in the cross hairs.</div>