Turkish smoking ban ignored – well done!
The forum of FORCES Germany reports that, in Turkey, the smoking ban is universally violated even by the police (<a href="http://www.data-yard.net/10q3/german_blog_turkey1.pdf">stored article</a>).
The forum of FORCES Germany reports that, in Turkey, the smoking ban is universally violated even by the police (<a href="http://www.data-yard.net/10q3/german_blog_turkey1.pdf">stored article</a>).
… And a question that the public health operatives won’t answer for a simple reason: they don’t have it.
<div style="text-align: justify">"The disappearance of sun spots was the hot topic at a recent international solar conference held at Montana State University. For the past two years, the sun has undergone a phase of relative inactivity, meaning usual solar phenomena such as sun flares, sun spots, and solar eruptions have all but disappeared."</div>
<div style="text-align: justify">When we say that what antismokers lack the most is a sense of morality – and thus a sense of decency – we are often accused of exaggerating because “we like to smoke” and thus want “revenge” for the prohibition we are forced to undergo. For a change, that ‘s a true accusation: you can bet that we want revenge; and we are working hard at it.</div>
<div style="text-align: justify">The more “public health” gains power, the more it becomes clear why the medical class in Germany was well-represented in the Nazi Party.</div>
<div style="text-align: justify">Italian correspondent Gian Turci sends us this thought-provoking piece about a new club in the UK, that may well become the pub or club of the future, given the dystopian reality we are experiencing in these times. It’s a whiners’ club!</div>
<div style="text-align: justify">This has nothing to do with smoking and everything to do with our times. In our times, emotions have replaced reason, fear has replaced logic and, in the worst cases, distorted reality has replaced truth. To stay in tune with the main FORCES theme that means, for example, that if smoking MAY kill a handful people who abuse the pleasure, those few become millions and millions of made up (“attributed”) yearly deaths to scare people off smoking altogether, in spite of the fact that it hasn’t been scientifically demonstrated that even the handful of people who MAY have been killed by absurd excesses were actually killed by smoking.</div>
On July 1st, 2008, Germany banned smoking in all 16 states, all across Germany.
<div style="text-align: justify">In spite of the advancing prohibition and antismoking hysteria, another nail has been driven into the coffin of the “scientific” proof that “smoking causes cancer” by a recently published American study.</div>
<div style="text-align: justify;">FORCES International’s <a href="https://www.forces.org/Forces_Articles/columnist.php?columnist=John%20Luik">columnist Dr. John Luik</a> exposes the umpteenth fraud on smoking by England’s public health authorities: what decrease in heart attacks?</div>