More on the latest British scam

Last June 16th <a href="">we reported on the latest British junk science production</a>, concerning the 40% drop in heart attacks credited to the smoking ban. It is a fraud, of course, and Michael Siegel tells us the Rest of the Story.

Do not fight stupidity with stupidity

<div style="text-align: justify">The marijuana-friendly Dutch coffee shops will not be spared the prohibition of the fraud-based Dutch tobacco smoking ban effective this July 1st.&nbsp; Very stupid, yes, but read on, it gets more stupid.</div>

‘The ABCs of ETS’ now available for free!

<div style="text-align: justify">Our faithful readers may remember that four years ago FORCES International offered a layperson-accessible work by the title <i>The ABCs of ETS</i>. We are now glad to offer this small masterpiece of junk science debunking for free.</div>

We Must Denormalize Tobacco Control

<div style="text-align: justify">It is high time to denormalize &ldquo;public health.&rdquo; We have to get serious about it. Let it be known: &ldquo;public health&rdquo; is dishonest, and indecent, and it is getting worse each day.</div>

USA: Junk science grows like Pinocchio’s nose

<div style="text-align: justify"><img alt="" hspace="4" align="left" src="" />Our regular readers are familiar with the fraud antismokers use to make you believe that smoking gives &ldquo;black lung,&rdquo; using either artificially tarred-up pig lungs or, easier yet, lungs that have been &ldquo;touched up&rdquo; with computers. Then they get pneumonologists or oncologists to tell you that your lungs are just like that. Al Gore and the global doomers have now been caught in a similar scam.<br />