It’s the hatred, stupid!

<div style="text-align: justify;">We have reported on this situation before. The British hospitality industry invested a fortune in outdoor patio heaters with the coming of the smoking ban as a matter of survival. The same response has occurred in many European nations. Now the EU gangsters want to ban the patio heaters. Here is the truest reason why.<br />

Quand les multinationales font de la politique

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" /><i>In French, English translation</i>. This formidable interview with Professor Robert Molimard, professor emeritus of physiology and coordinator of the DIU of Tabacologie to the Faculty of Medicine Paris-South, is a must-see, must-read.<br />

Understanding Confusion

<div style="text-align: justify;">&quot;I often come across writings by people on our side who are utterly astonished by the contradictions of the ‘antis’ &ndash; ban proponents who say they are ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ and, in the same breath, show utter contempt for the treatment smokers are the victims of. Some of the activists on our side also get involved in endless polemics on how much of the ‘reasonable smoking restrictions’ is ‘reasonable’ and how much is not &ndash; and, by the time they are through, they find themselves banned from everywhere!&quot;<br />

With friends like that …

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />&ldquo;Of course smoking is a bad thing and costs lives.&quot; Signed: our side! You just have to watch this video if you still don&rsquo;t understand why smoking bans advance along with Healthist ideology and institutionalized fraud: listen to this liberty defender! (French show in Englsh language.)<br />

Global Warming Scare Eviscerated (Again)

<div style="text-align: justify;">Yes, according to reports from the United States Senate Environment and Public Works Committee dated Friday, 21 December 2007, over 400 must have sold out to corrupt &quot;flat earthers&quot; who persist in saying that the scare about man-made global warming is a colossal fraud.</div>

Zealots abuse science and law

<div style="text-align: justify;">This interesting piece published by the <i>Republican American</i> reports on the latest abuse of the legal system by antitobacco marionettes in Washington, DC.<br />

The Great Global Warming Swindle

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />We are pleased to present the complete version of an important documentary already known to many: <i>The Great Global Warming Swindle</i>. More recent than the epidemiological frauds on smoking, the global warming creed is an ideological manifestation of the same type of paranoia that is sweeping the world about health.<br />

Otto e Mezzo (video in Italiano)

<div style="text-align: justify;"><img hspace="4" align="left" alt="" src="" />No, we do not link to the famous movie by Federico Fellini, but to an episode from one of the most popular TV shows in Italy, with an estimated 3 million viewers. Once again, Gian Turci, president of FORCES Italy, clashes on-screen with the Italian antitobacco cartel.<br />