Tobacco in Cinema History

<div align="justify"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />Anti doesn’t like it but tobacco is an intrinsic part of culture, part of US history particularly, and of cinema history.</div>

Intelligence Shines in Ulster

<p align="left"><span style="font-size: 8pt;">The good news from </span><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Ulster</span><span style="font-size: 8pt;"> (the northern province of Ireland including both UK and Republic territory) is that smoking rates have risen generally, and particularly among young women, following on the draconian bans which have been imposed on the entire area in recent years. Freedom-loving citizens once again are demonstrating that they do not fall for Healthists frauds and campaigns against smoking.</span></p>

Anti-smoking Cranks: You’re Fired!

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Now, according to today&rsquo;s parameters this is what should be called justice, as it pays back non-smokers with the same currency they pay smokers. How does that feel?</span></p>

Green Fascism

<p align="justify">The era of the incandescent light bulb is over.&nbsp; Climate change will be unaffected but your pocketbook will be lighter.</p>

Billy Connolly versus Anti

<div align="justify"><img vspace="0" hspace="4" align="left" src="" alt="" />Scottish comedian Billy Connolly homes in on the blue-nosed Antis whose precious prohibitions, like those beloved of Carrie Nation and Lucy Gaston decades ago, are once again being ridiculed and defied in the twenty-first century.</div>

The Anti-smoking Titanic

<div align="justify">&quot;As a follow-up to my recent piece on the sudden increase in lung cancer cases in the USA I wish to offer FORCES readers a look at the big picture on smoking and lung cancer. A look at the plain figures on smoking and lung cancer since 1950 punctures the myth that smoking is the ’cause’ of or even the major influence on lung cancer.&quot;</div>

A (too) short compendium of trash science

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Times Online of London gives us a short compendium of the worst statistical trash &ndash; mainly on health &ndash; promptly published by the mass-media without one ounce of verification. The piece almost speaks for itself.</span></p>

WHO Hypocrite

<div align="justify">Our regular readers are familiar with Gro Harlem Brundtland. She is a physician, a former Norwegian prime minister, former head of the World Health Organization from 1998-2003, and by all measures a life-long hypocrite.</div>