Evil, Part I

<p><span><span style="font-size: 8pt">From our forum we publish this multi-part, exceptional posting from Mr. Winston Smith. </span></span></p>

Drivelling Democrats: a European’s View

<p align="justify">In a debate recently held in New Hampshire, all the major Democratic candidates for president came out in favour of a national smoking ban that completely obliterates the rights of 60 million American smokers who, as we know, have no rights at all because they are second-class citizens.</p>

Perpetual Surveillance

<p align="justify">Two Stalinists got together in London to promote the brave new world of saturation surveillance.&nbsp;They say that people just love the grid of cameras recording every one of their day-to-day-activities.</p>

Who’s a Dummy?

<p align="justify">No talking. No eating. Not even a glass of water. No music either. Act like a crash dummy, you must be a&nbsp;dummy in your car, your part has been assigned. This is the latest official &quot;health and safety&quot; advisory from the United Kingdom.</p>

Hobbled Minds

<p align="justify">It’s said that he who attends a lame person learns how to hobble along. In other words, sharing experience with another or others may influence one’s own perceptions and behaviour: for example, if one spends most of his time with softheaded folks, after a few years he’ll have a good chance of becoming a cuckoo himself.&nbsp;</p>

A Pub Owner With Two Fists

<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">The trash science-based smoking ban in </span><span style="font-size: 8pt">England</span><span style="font-size: 8pt"> has several challengers, but few with the intelligence of Nick Hogan.</span></p>

SCHIP Has Been Vetoed

<p align="justify">As expected, President Bush has vetoed the children’s health care bill known as SCHIP, and as expected the Democrats vow to override, a political posture with little chance of actual success.</p>