Triple Whammy for Tobacco Control

<p align="justify">Good news indeed from Canada. Here’s something to brighten your day and warm your heart. It&rsquo;s a report from our correspondent Roy Harrold on the protest against the Canadian national anti-smokers&rsquo; conference held in Edmonton last week. Anti-smoking &quot;dignitaries&quot; from all around Canada, and from around the world, met with richly deserved ridicule.</p>

Junk Science Immortalised

<p align="justify">American columnist Andrew Sullivan of the <em>Atlantic</em> (with further reference to the UK <em>Guardian</em>) recently drew our attention to an annual back-handed celebration of junk science: the Ig-Nobel awards, handed out to the most ludicrous projects (many of them scientific) which have managed to make it to publication during the preceding year.</p>

Fascism comes to America wrapped in studies

<p align="justify">&lsquo;Sinclair Lewis’s bumper sticker friendly maxim, &quot;When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,&quot; may be all the rage these days, yet from my New York City perch it seems more likely fascism will come weighed down with studies by self-congratulatory &quot;public interest&quot; groups and carrying a sign reading, &quot;It’s for the children!&quot;&rsquo;</p>

Know Thine Enemy

<p align="justify"><img vspace="10" hspace="5" align="left" src="" alt="" />A second Round Table of FORCES discussions, concerning smoking bans, prohibition and the power of antismoking organizations. How did it all start? When did you first become aware of a smoking ban near you? Is it possible (and credible) that the entire world, all of a sudden, spontaneously embraces prohibition? Who is behind it? Where will it go? And what can be done&nbsp;to&nbsp;stop it?</p>

An Elitist’s View

<p align="justify">Being a member of the elitist ruling class, I ascribe 100% to the concept of Utilitarian Bioethics, now being taught as truth in many colleges around our nation.</p>