Masturbation – oops, smoking – causes acne!

<p>Through the years we have often mused about the old belief that masturbation causes acne, something that some religions circulated long ago to keep kids from playing with themselves, and wondered when ‘public health’ would come up with such ‘attribution’: here it is!</p>

Making money by growing tobacco

<p><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Yes, tobacco is the evil weed. It is so deadly that not even one death can be demonstrated to be caused by it. So deadly, in fact, that its production is skyrocketing without subsidies. How come?</span></p>

The bizarre generation

<p>The article we link to talks about a study that falls more into the category of the bizarre than that of junk science. Why do we get obese? As smoking is the cause of everything, logic indicates that it must also be a cause of obesity &ndash; and here it comes!</p>

Osama bin Glantz

<p>Why are governments throughout the world going after terrorists when, according to some degenerates, a far bigger threat to life and limb exits?&nbsp; One, they say, that operates openly in every country on earth.</p>

Dumb smoker gets fired for hatred

<p><span style="font-size: 8pt;">The Denton Independent School District (USA) has fired a smoker because she carried the scent of tobacco. Hatred at work, antismoking scum in action. But there is a more to this story.</span></p>