Fight with Tony and Freedom2choose
<p>Fighters are on the move in the UK as the energetic activist group Freedom2choose and some brave publicans start kicking back against the smoking ban.</p>
<p>Fighters are on the move in the UK as the energetic activist group Freedom2choose and some brave publicans start kicking back against the smoking ban.</p>
<p>In this piece designed to wash your brain “smoking is bad for you”, “stop smoking” and “give up” are repeated like a broken record. Don’t believe it: smarter people do not.</p>
<p>Every once in a while, we source a song of defiance against smoking bans. This one is from veteran British rock band The Pretty Things, which is offering the song All Light Up as a download, accompanied by</p>
<p><em>“A tobacco-based gel designed to beat the smoking ban is sparking controversy among health campaigners. NicoFix, which can be bought online and in a handful of shops in Britain, is billed as an alternative to smoking rather than a way of giving up.”</em></p>
<p>"To me, it’s a hate crime, and I’m not going to take it lying down, " says Scottish publican Hamish Howitt, as he sets out to defy the new UK smoking ban. "I won’t be stopping my customers smoking when the ban comes in."</p>
<p>Good news for a change: some eight Ontario branches of the Canadian Lung Association are shutting down. That counts for almost 50% of the branches in that province. The Canadian Lung Association is instrumental in the denormalization of smokers and the spreading of the antismoking disinformation.</p>
<p>As the UK’s July 1 smoking ban comes into effect, the FOREST group’s Simon Clark is vowing that "We’ve lost the battle, we haven’t lost the war".</p>
<p>The healthist propaganda is loud and clear – and it is not only about smoking. It wants us to believe that if we eliminate all the “causes” of cancer, cancer won’t come. Eminently logical – if only we knew what <em>actually </em>causes cancer… and assuming that we can eliminate causes, as one of the main ones is breathing!</p>
<p>More irony and confusion!</p>
<p>As we know, according to the quit-smoking cons every and any means to get smokers to quit smoking is good (for the pharmaceutical industry that pays them off, that is). One of the many legends is that smoking “causes” wrinkles.</p>